Agenda item

Report of the Scrutiny Task Group - Events

The report of the scrutiny task group will be presented by Councillor Penny Hall as the chair of the group. The O&S committee are asked to consider the report before it goes to Cabinet on 15 January, taking into account any comments or recommendations from the Council debate held on 17 December 2012.


The chair invited Councillor Penny Hall, as chair of the working group to introduce the report of the scrutiny task group.


Councillor Hall thanked the committee for providing the opportunity to take their report to Council as this had given all members a greater awareness of the report and its recommendations.  She thanked all the members of the working group and commended the efforts of Saira Malin and Rosalind Reeves from Democratic Services who had supported the review along with Grahame Lewis, Louis Krog and other officers from Parks and Gardens, One Legal, Integrated Transport and Public Protection.


In responding to the report, members commended the working group and acknowledged the great deal of work that had gone into producing their final report and were happy to endorse the recommendations and forward them to Cabinet.


Resolved that the recommendations of the Events scrutiny task group be endorsed and forwarded to Cabinet.

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