Agenda item

Briefing from Cabinet Members


The Cabinet Member Sustainability referred Cabinet members to copies of his letter dated the 4 May to the Gloucestershire County Council Planning department regarding the proposed residual waste incinerator at Javelin Park.  Having discussed the issue with his Cabinet colleagues at the time he had considered it appropriate to apply his comments to two areas of objection, firstly the attempt to prematurely approve the application ahead of the Inspector’s report and secondly the issues voiced in the debate at Council surrounding the motion passed on the 10 October 2011.  He felt that it may be that other members of the Cabinet may like to endorse the letter and invited them to do so. 


Whilst the Leader appreciated that Councillor Whyborn had personally drafted the letter, he endorsed it as it echoed the comments made at Council on the 10 October 2011. 


The Cabinet Member Finance suggested that all Members were supportive of the letter as it reflected the corporate view of environmental and waste matters generally.


Cabinet Member Built Environment noted that the Gloucestershire County Council Sustainable Transport Fund bid had been successful and would now allow for the development of Boots Corner to progress to the next stage.  This formed part of a much bigger picture for the redevelopment of the town centre and the wider support that this accomplishment demonstrated should offer confidence that the plans could be delivered. 


Cabinet Member Sport and Culture highlighted recent events.  On Sunday people had lined the streets in support of Cheltenham Football Club on their journey to Wembley, though sadly they didn’t win.  The Cheltenham Torch Relay event had been a huge success with the Police estimating that 35,000 people had been at the racecourse, suggesting that the delayed arrival of the torch at the racecourse was due to the scale of the turn out along the route.  She thanked all officers and volunteers that had made it possible, particularly Craig Mortiboys for his invaluable efforts.  A taster session for the latest dance/exercise craze to hit the country, BOKWA, was held in Pittville Park over the weekend.  Based on African dance, kick boxing and shadow boxing, BOKWA offered a cardio workout whilst being fun at the same time.


The Leader announced three decisions he had recently taken.  Following his election as Leader of the Council on the 14 May he had formally allocated executive functions and this now formed part of the constitution.  The attached summary set out the lead member and officer for each function, which he felt would be useful to members and officers as well as the public. 

The second decision related to the Cheltenham Borough Homes Board on which Councillors Driver, Smith, C. Hay, Lansley and Williams had been appointed as Councillor Board Members.  The third decision, taken only today (29 May) had been the appointment of Cabinet Members to those outside bodies which formed part of the Cabinet Member portfolios.  He noted the bodies on which more than one Member had been appointed: in order to maintain cross party participation, Councillor Garnham would replace Councillor Cooper on the Cheltenham Development Task Force.  The relevant Cabinet Member had been appointed to the Cheltenham Parking Board and Gloucestershire Shadow Joint Waste Board, but with the addition of Councillor Jordan, the Leader of the Council.  There had been no objections from the Group Leaders and the decision was subject to a 5 day call-in period.


Cabinet Member Finance, in his previous role as the Cabinet Member Built Environment, had authorised the installation of a notice board in the Norwood Triangle as part of the streetscape improvements.