Agenda item

Cabinet Member Briefing

Cabinet Member Built Environment

Cabinet Member Sustainability


The Cabinet Member Built Environment explained that whilst there were still some outstanding issues, he remained hopeful that exchange of contracts for North Place and Portland Street would take place later in the month (January). 


He highlighted the article that had featured in the Gloucestershire Echo earlier in the day about the Brewery Development - Phase 2.  This was good news for the town and whilst not a development for which the Council was responsible it would meet many of its objectives for this part of the high street.  It was now a matter for the Planning Committee to consider the planning application. 


The concept statement for the railway station was released before Christmas and the Government was undertaking public consultation by which people were able to lobby the Government in reference to specific improvements.  He suggested that people would want any franchisee to improve and modernise the station.  A unified response would be agreed at a meeting of the Cheltenham Development Task Force on Friday (20 January) and it was hoped this meeting would provide more clarity on envisaged timescales, which were at present, unclear.


He noted, prior to discussion of the budget, the significant investment being made to improve Grosvenor Terrace Car Park prior to the closure of North Place and Portland Street, which would include repairs and heightened security.  He anticipated work commencing by September 2012 but was, at this stage, unclear about any timescales for the work.


The Cabinet Member Sustainability updated that the Pittville Bridge was now sitting on abutments and would soon be functional.  A programme of works had been circulated to all Members.  He also confirmed that the Montpellier and Imperial Gardens planning application would be considered by the Planning Committee tomorrow (19 January). 


A Member workshop was recently held to discuss branding for the Local Authority Waste Company which had been named ‘Ubico’, which should not be considered an extravagance but a necessity.  A briefing would be circulated to Members in the coming days.  Progress on the formation of a Gloucestershire Waste Committee had stalled and whilst there was general political will, there was also need for a rethink as to how to take this matter forward.  He could offer no timescales at present. 


Discussion about plastic bags was scheduled later on the agenda, but from a Cabinet perspective he invited any ideas or suggestions that would raise awareness of the consequences of plastic bags and/or result in a reduction of those being used.  Admittedly however, these ideas could not involve Council budgets as no funds were available. The plastic bag issue had been covered in the press recently and the Cabinet Member had already received a number of phone calls about alternatives, including bags which were bio-degradable after a period of 18 months.  


The Chair tabled an email she had received from one of her constituents, who had recently contacted the Depot to request a replacement lid for her recycling box.  She was told that the Council now used an alternative design of box and could therefore offer no replacement lids for the box she had and whilst she was offered a replacement in the form of the alternative design, she was told that the old box would not be collected.  The Cabinet Member Sustainability explained that the new boxes, for which replacements lids were now available from the depot, were bigger than the old design.  He would consider further if and how the old boxes could be reused.