Agenda item
Briefing from Cabinet Members
The Leader invited Members to share any briefings.
The Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Wellbeing and Culture congratulated the Everyman Theatre on the launch of its pantomime, Aladdin, starring Tweedy the Clown. He said it is great to have a major regional theatre in Cheltenham, which also runs some important social programmes.
The Cabinet Member for Housing and Customer Services shared the following:
- she has attended a couple of European meetings in the last few weeks, one of which included a good discussion of culture and how to utilise this to bring young people together to build better communities. She was happy to be able to share all that Cheltenham does;
- many European councils do not view themselves as commercial entities, and it was good to show that it can be done and can make a significant difference;
- in Leeds, at a meeting of the French Forum – which included ministers, two ambassadors, senior officers and a number of councillors - it was interesting to hear what goes on elsewhere and share what is done in Cheltenham. Of particular note was:
- a national music day in France, on 21 June, where all types of musicians and singers participate at all levels. She suggested looking at this as a cross-Europe event, and would love Cheltenham to take a lead;
- bringing together all the organisations, including the Council of European Municipalities and Regions and Euro Cities – comprising 41 countries and one million councillors – to exchange good practice, work together on European and other legislative interests. Together they could develop a European focus for work, as a group, providing strength and support. This could provide another opportunity for Cheltenham to take the lead through the Local Government Association, and shouldn’t be missed.
The Cabinet Member for Major Projects and Housing Development had nothing specific, but thanked all his teams for their hard work in complex and busy areas – the Golden Valley Development team and HBD have been working feverishly all year, as have other teams across the council, including housing delivery.
The Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency reported on a recent visit to Bournside School where a ground source heat pump is being installed to warm and cool Gloucestershire’s largest secondary school. He was impressed by the vision and commitment of the school’s head, Steve Jeffries, and the governors, investing in technology to reduce dependency on fossil fuels, reduce CO2 emissions, and save money for the school. This contrasts with GCC’s rejection of his suggestion to incorporate a ground source heat pump at the new Leckhampton high school, and he trusts that in future, every new-build school in the county will incorporate low-carbon heating systems as standard.
The Cabinet Member for Waste and Recycling and Public Realm raised two matters:
- a new tree sponsorship scheme has been launched at the Cemetery on Bouncers Lane. This type of memorial has traditionally been offered in public parks, but space has largely run out, and it is felt that the Cemetery is a good alternative, a nice, peaceful place to commemorate loved ones;
- waste and recycling collection over the festive period is being done differently this year, with collections from 25, 26 and 27 December rescheduled as bumper collections on 8, 9 and 10 January. This trial, primarily done so that the teams can have a proper break over Christmas, should help get collections back to normal sooner than previously, and he looks forward to the feedback.
The Cabinet Member for Planning and Building Control also thanked the dedicated and professional officers in his teams, who have been very busy, with new papers and updates almost every week this year. He said have been some major recent changes to the National Planning Policy Framework, with new housing targets in Cheltenham, and has asked the team to provide a policy briefing note to explain the changes, once they have had chance to analyse them fully.
The Cabinet Member for Finance and Assets reminded everyone that the budget consultation will be open throughout the festive period, offering the chance to have a say on how council tax is spent, particularly important as we head towards a new phase of local government. She thanked the finance and assets team, and also officers in Revenue and Benefits, OneLegal and the huge network of people who help the council manage its finances.
The Leader said it had been a real privilege to represent Cheltenham locally and nationally at many different events over the yea; it is clear that CBC is getting it right in many ways, in particular management of the races and the Golden Valley Development. She took the opportunity to reflect on all that the administration had achieved throughout the year and some challenges to come:
- welcoming housing colleagues back in house involved a great deal of work from many people, including residents, tenants and lease holders, whose ongoing input in the newly-formed housing committee will be essential in driving the service. She thanked officers who had helped with the transition, in particular the Chief Executive;
- the local elections in May and general election in July brought fantastic results for the LibDems, and she is pleased to be working with an MP of the same party, whose job is to do what he believes to be right for the people of Cheltenham;
- there have been a lot of issues round the Minster Exchange, but she is proud to say it is now officially open, 75% occupied, and a lovely place to work, alongside the refurbished Minster Gardens;
- Cheltenham is lucky to have such amazing parks and gardens, and has been awarded accolades for these, as well as for keeping people safe during race week and for its night-time economy;
- thanks to officers and Members for rising to the occasion when unexpected events occur, such as the fire in Regent Arcade, where a senior officer was out directing traffic;
- we are lucky to have received £20m from the government in support of the next step in the journey to delivering the innovation centre;
- officers are not only committed to but have also helped raise £1500 for charities, and donated 400 selection boxes which were delivered to local communities before Christmas;
- changes to the National Planning Policy Framework will bring challenges, and it is important that we work with our strategic national partners;
- regarding the newly-published government white paper, while we might not agree with the proposal, we should be thankful that the government is at least being clear about the direction of travel and approximate timelines, and take the opportunity to get on the journey, be swift with our early decision-making and, when the time comes, be able to reach a consensus which is best for the county;
- following a small loss last year, the council took the brave decision to bring back the ice rink in Imperial Gardens, and it is proving a huge hit, bringing many additional visitors to town with enormous benefits to local businesses. It has a new look this year, with trees and lights, and also relaxed glide sessions for those with sensory issues.
She congratulated Cheltenham Town women’s football team for reaching the fourth round of the FA Cup for the first time in their history, and ended with a round of thanks:
- to all officers, some of whom will be working over the festive period;
- to all Cabinet Members, for their commitment and dedication throughout the year;
- to the Senior Leadership Team – a force to be reckoned with, who will be sure to seize the opportunity of change to local government to get the very best for Cheltenham.