Agenda item

Cabinet Member Briefing

Cabinet Member Sustainability

Cabinet Member Built Environment


The Cabinet Member Built Environment informed members of the following :


  • the timescale for the North Place/Portland Street development had been brought forward with the report now going to Council on 10 October and then Cabinet on 18 October. This would enable the Council to have an input into the process and guide Cabinet in its decision.
  • the report on the National Planning Policy Framework was due to go to Cabinet on 18 October. The consultation raised points of detail but the big themes included sustainability and brownfield policy and any representations would be focused on these themes.
  • 2 members were sought for the garden development SPD working group. These should not be existing planning committee members.
  • members welcomed the opportunity for Council to have an input into the North Place/Portland Street development.


In response to a query on a proposed street racing event in the town centre in 2012 the Cabinet Member requested an email to be forwarded to him in order to investigate further as he was unaware of such an event.



The Cabinet Member Sustainability made the following points :


  • the recycling rate for the first 3 months of the current financial year was just under 50 % compared to 35 % the same period last year which meant a corresponding decrease in tonnages sent to landfill.
  • the waste and recycling working group was due to meet shortly before it reported to Environment O & S in November


Members were encouraged by the recycling rates but aired their concerns regarding the projections for the uptake of the green waste scheme not being fulfilled. The Cabinet Member Sustainability informed members that there had been a total of 11 000 sign ups to date against a target of 20 000 by the end of the financial year. CBC was actively looking at the situation and a marketing scheme would be undertaken in the coming months. The Director of Operations explained that from experience from other local authorities there was traditionally another spike in demand in the autumn and then again in the early spring. The marketing scheme involved roadshows at the recycling centre, garden centres and shopping centres where there was high footfall and in areas where there was low take-up, advertising on the side of vehicles and on receipts and in the Echo. Customers at Swindon Road would also be targeted.


Members raised the issue that many householders would like to take up the service but could not physically fit another wheeled bin on to their property or there were those who live in terraced housing and cannot wheel a bin through their property. The Cabinet Member Sustainability told members that alternatives were being examined but it was unlikely they would be in a position to promote this during the forthcoming marketing campaign. Members remarked that an alternative may even be preferable to those residents who were using the brown bin. When asked about the cost of the campaign the Director of Operations explained that this was within existing budgets and mainly involved officer time. The overall target remained 20 000 households but the Director hoped for at least a take up of 15 000 following the marketing campaign. Members requested an analysis of take-up to date by area as local ward councillors could play a role in raising awareness in their area. The Director of Operations said that whilst the data fell under data protection rules he would try to provide this information as far as possible.


Members highlighted that some residents were under the impression that the green waste scheme was a one-off cost and it was asked how the collections would be differentiated when it came to the end of the period. In response the Director of Operations explained that the council held a database of existing customers and a reminder notice would be issued at the end of the period, followed by a second reminder and finally contact would be made with the customer to say the service would be removed. In response to a question on the collection of brown cardboard in the future the Cabinet Member told members that the Council was currently working to capacity as the recycling scheme had proved so successful with residents but he acknowledged the issue which the Cabinet would wish to promote in future.


Members noted that a report was due to go to Cabinet on the review of the scheme in December and asked that information be brought to Environment O & S in advance of this meeting.


The issue of planting on roundabouts where there were advertising boards paid for by sponsors was raised by members. Some roundabouts had not been planted at all. In response the Cabinet Member Sustainability explained that roundabouts were planted with a mixture of flowers, bulbs, shrubs or trees. In response to a specific question relating to Westall Green roundabout the Cabinet Member explained that due to insufficient soil depth bedding plants were not suitable and therefore there would be flowering bulbs instead. The Director of Operations also told Members that as this was the first year of the scheme there had been a slight delay in securing sponsorship and thus in ordering plants in time for the season. Improvements should be visible next year. Members requested a briefing note on the funds raised through the sponsorship, how much had been spent thus far and what remained in the budget.


The Green Space Development Manager reassured Members that the work on Pittville Bridge was progressing well and was within budget despite rumours to the contrary. Members requested a briefing note from the officer detailing the original budget, what had been spent to date and what was anticipated to be spent.


In response to a question regarding flytipping by students in St Pauls the Director Operations reported that contact had been made with landlords who provided most of the student accommodation in the area. The letting agreement would now contain a clause stating that waste and recycling receptacles should remain at the property when the let terminated, if not money would be taken from the deposit.

A particular issue was raised with regard to a blanket licensing application by CBC Parks and Gardens Division for Sandford Park in July 2011 which had created significant public concern. The ward councillors for that area had not been given forewarning of the application and had thus found themselves wrong footed by the interest generated. This had done nothing to enhance the reputation for the council.


The Cabinet Member Sustainability explained that the rationale for the application was that a blanket licence was in place for Imperial Gardens.The application was in support of a food festival in 2012. However the application was withdrawn due to the public concern. Lessons had been learned from this and the festival organisers would apply for a temporary event licence for that event only and would consult properly with local residents. Members requested that the Green space strategy should be reviewed in terms of contacting local residents and park users on the way forward. In terms of the concerns raised on flooding issues the Green Space Development Manager explained that contact had been made with the Environment Agency who gave in principle support provided a risk assessment was undertaken. The Council had also discussed the proposal with the hospital which was happy as long as access remained to the helipad and distances to the hospital were respected.


The Cabinet Member assured Members that in the future local members would be consulted first regarding the proposal of a major event in their area.