Agenda item

Christmas in Cheltenham 2023

Objective : Understand what the plans are, what remains to be done and where the risks are. To include an update on the ice rink.


Helen Mole, Head of Place Marketing and Inward Investment

Hannah Ward, Events Manager



Helen Mole (HM), Head of Place Marketing and Inward Investment, introduced her report, saying that Christmas is critical to the local economy, and it is important that the council supports local businesses, promoting all that is happening in the town and encouraging visitors and residents to choose Cheltenham as a destination.  She highlighted the following points:

-       stakeholders were engaged to coordinate key Christmas dates and ensure no clashes, and her team continues to work with stakeholders, partners and businesses across the town with a comprehensive ‘Christmas in Cheltenham’ marketing campaign.  This is reaching many thousands of people and includes a dedicated website, PR campaign, leaflet drop, radio campaign, and sponsored social media campaign;

-       the ice rink will operate 17 November – 01 January.  In 2021, 43k tickets were sold, bringing £3m to the local economy. This year, there is a strong focus on accessibility for pricing, with significant discounts for families, schools and large groups, plus full accessibility for wheelchair users, free tickets for carers, and SEND and pre-school sessions;

-       it will provide opportunities for local businesses via catering concessions;

-       the environmental impact is also  under scrutiny, with measures to use hydro-treated vegetable oil (HVO) instead of diesel, the most modern generator, and a mobile battery overnight to restrict generator use.  This is a significant innovation in event management and Members will receive a full report after the event about its impact;

-       residents’ concerns are at the heart of all the planning; her team has met with them locally, and letters have been sent to all local residents and businesses, setting out plans and providing 24/7 contact details. There will be an onsite manager and security throughout, and every effort will be made to minimise disruption;

-       the Christmas lights (16 November – 02 January) are outsourced to BID:  CBC has provided £47k, matched by BID’s £50k, and the launch event is scheduled for 16 November, with several hours of events and entertainments to spread out the enjoyment and keep people in town for longer;

-       a comprehensive marketing campaign is encouraging all businesses and event organisers in Cheltenham to share information about what they are doing this year, all events being included free of charge on


The Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Culture, Tourism and Wellbeing added that HVO with an overnight battery was used at the recent Cheltenham Festival and praised by Planet Cheltenham, a reassuring endorsement which confirms that CBC is on the right track and way ahead of similar events around the country.  It is good to discuss this and report back to O&S, as residents will be holding CBC to account. 


Members’ written questions had been answered in advance, and the Chair invited further questions.  In response, HM confirmed that:

-       a comprehensive review of possible sites for the ice rink was carried out last year, including Montpellier Gardens, parts of the High Street, and car parks.  The decision was made the use Imperial Gardens again, largely due to the location and proximity to businesses, but this will be open to review again in future years;

-       regarding the slightly confusing road lay-out around the Queens Hotel, and possibility of any mitigating pedestrian schemes,  ice-rink users are encouraged to use public transport front and centre in all how-to-get-there information, but pedestrianising the area is not an option due to the challenges for disabled parking and not wanting to add to the impact already created for local residents. Pedestrian movement will be closely monitored, with on-site security stewards looking out for any issues.


Members thanked HM for the comprehensive report and looked forward to the post-evaluation review in February. 




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