Agenda item
22/01743/FUL St Peters and The Moors Big Local
The Planning Officer, Claire Donnelly, presented the report, which related to the erection of a new single-storey Community Sports Hub building, the creation of a new private access road off St. Peters Close, the expansion of the existing carpark and the enhancement of the riverside park including realignment of existing foot/cycleway (Chelt Walk) and compensatory tree planting. The application was at the committee because the council owned the majority of the site, and the officer recommendation was to permit.
Speaking in support of the application
Councillor Victoria Atherstone spoke as Ward Councillor and made the following points:
• Fully supportive because it will provide many advantages to the local community in St Peters and beyond.
• Planned enhancements are for a dedicated sports club (Saracens FC) and a community space. Area has seen improvements over the years thanks to the club, sincere thanks to them for what they’ve done in the community. They’ve waited many years for this application to come to fruition, will provide proper facilities for matches and training. Connects building to wider community.
• The area currently prone to ASB, e.g. joyriding and fires. Dedicated community space will help to reduce this. Hidden gem that it would be great to draw more people to.
• Popular with families, dog walkers and cyclists, will be a safer piece of green space as a result. St Peters Close feels disconnected from the rest of the community due to poor infrastructure, this will connect communities together. Feels like an important moment in time, proud to be able to speak in support. Hugely valuable development for residents.
Also speaking in support of the application Councillor David Willingham echoed his Ward Colleagues words and went on to make the following point:
• This has been a long time and a lot of hard work in coming, negotiating leases and much more. Big Local investment recognised areas of deprivation in need of money to leave a positive legacy. St Peters Close and Square is an isolated community, faces onto Tewkesbury Road with very little access. This is a community hub with a transformational effect on that. We’ve worked with Saracens FC for a long time and many council departments to bring this to the committee. Really important, please vote to permit as per the officer recommendation.
There being no Member questions, the Chair moved into the debate, where the following points were made:
• Supportive of the application as this will give a chance for Saracens FC to move onto the next level. They provide a real service to the community, with teams for boys, girls and juniors too. Money well invested, generational impact. Excellent scheme.
• Cheltenham is blessed to have fantastic football clubs, like Leckhampton Rovers, Southside, Charlton Rovers, Old Pats. All provide such a focus for the community, so many children and young people getting involved. Not something we ourselves cause as a council, it grows organically within the community, we can just support it. Staggering to see the quality of the pitch and the design of the clubhouse, fantastic looking building. Will be used and respected by the local community. Fantastic project, will get down there and watch a game.
• Looking at the application, you’d be hard-pressed to find a single reason for refusal. It’s simple, elegant and appropriate for the area. Clear benefit to the community and local area.
There being no further comments, the Chair moved to the vote on the officer recommendation to permit.
FOR: 11
Supporting documents:
- Officer Report, item 7. PDF 865 KB
- 22-01743 St Peters Playing Field update, item 7. PDF 12 KB
- 22-01743 St Peters - presentation, item 7. PDF 6 MB
- 22-01743 St Peters - updated presentation, item 7. PDF 11 MB