Agenda item

22/00458/FUL 30 Hales Road, Cheltenham, Glos GL52 6SE


The Planning Officer (Daniel O’Neill) presented the report, which concerned the construction of a dwelling in the land to the rear of 30 Hales Road, and was at the committee due to an objection by the Civic Society on the grounds of design and overdevelopment.


Public speakers

There were three speakers on this item. One in objection, one the agent on behalf of the applicant and a Ward Councillor.


The objector made the following points:

-       He believes that it is a serious omission that the considerations are outside the scope of the PIP.

-       The application does not preserve or enhance the property.

-       The application fails to pay due regard to the area

-       The objector believes that it is not a sustainable scheme.

-       The proposal has a generally overbearing nature

-       There is a significant threat to privacy to the surrounding properties.  On the north-western side, the revisions do little to mitigate amenity/ privacy loss to Keynsham St neighbours.

-       Overshadowing 34 Hales Road’s Arbutus Unedo tree appears to be reduced but we believe that the new build is too close to avoid damaging the root system.

-       Overshadow is still unacceptable over the rest of the gardens. We do know that for at least half the year the sun’s arc is too low to clear a 5.4m roofline.

-       The lane is narrow with no passing places

-       There was also concern with regard to the emissions from the proposed wood burning stove pipe.


The agent for the applicant made the following points:

-           The property will be a fully sustainable property.

-           There will be trees and shrubs planted.

-           The hope is that this will be a wildlife haven  and wild flowers will be planted surrounding the property.

-           With regard to the parking at the property there will be lane access and only the front of the property will be used for parking.

-           The property is a retirement property for the owner to enjoy.


Councillor Clark spoke in objection and made the following points:

-           With this property there will be less soak away for rain water.

-           There are five Keynsham Street properties that back onto this property with small gardens and four of the properties will no longer have trees.

-           Instead of tress there will be a three quarters rising sight line of the new building.

-           The garden at 34 Hales Road will be effected as it will be overlooked by the new property. 

-           The parking area plus the other concreted areas combined with the removal  of trees are going to have an adverse effect on the soak away of the rain water.

-           It is difficult to see how multiple cars can be parked without being outside of the boundary.

-           There is no turning point within the road.

-           Although the application fits within the JCS allowance it is over development of the site.



Member questions

The responses to Member questions were as follows :

-       With regard to the log burner in the plans the planning officer responded that it was an electric flame-effect burner which would act as a decorative feature rather than anything to heat the home. The home would be heated by electric power only.


-       With regard to the un adopted lane the planning officer responded that it was a private lane of access and so not within their remit. Other properties nearby used the lane, and any issues would be a civil matter between residents. The question of ambulance and fire engine access and possible mitigation measures would be assessed by Highways officers.


-       It was confirmed that the property is being considered as a private dwelling and a retirement property. People were permitted to have a small business at home without requiring a change of use, although this would be needed if it were deemed to exceed this.


-       The planning officer confirmed that the driveway would be fully permeable.


Member debate

There was none.


Vote on officer recommendation to permit

FOR: 9





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