Agenda item
Financial Outturn 2021/22
Report of the Cabinet Member Finance and Assets
The Cabinet Member Finance and Assets introduced the report, which covered the financial outturn from the budget approved in February 2021, and would go on to Council on 18th July. The outturn position as of 31st March 2022 reported an underspend of £229,116 against the revised budget. He acknowledged the current cost of living emergency, which paragraphs 2.5 and 2.6 made reference to. £60k of the underspend had been set aside to support Cheltenham’s Food Network, with the remainder moved to general balances. During increasingly unpredictable economic and political times, they needed to focus on staff delivering core services and the four key priorities of Cyber Central, their £180m housing investment program, Net Zero Cheltenham and No Child Left Behind.
The Cabinet Member Safety and Communities highlighted the positive impact of the council’s investment program, in particular the delivery of 2,000 food parcels to vulnerable families. In addition to this, she had recently spoken to a young person who wanted to get involved in finance but did not have access to the pathway to do so. She was delighted that the Executive Director Finance, Assets and Regeneration had invited them to do work experience, an invaluable opportunity that may well lead to a career in finance in the future.
The Leader moved to the vote, where it was unanimously:
Council be recommended to:
1. Receive the financial outturn performance position for the General Fund, summarised at Appendix 2, and note that in delivering services in 2021/22, there was an underspend of £229,116 against the budget approved by Council on 21 February 2021;
2. Note £656,218 of carry forward approved by the Section 151 Officer under delegated powers at Appendix 5 and approves £48,500 of carry forward which require Member approval;
3. Approve the proposal for the use of the underspend after the carry forward requests outlined in Section 3 of this report and delegate authority to the Executive Director of Finance and Assets in consultation with the Lead Member for Finance and Assets to ensure the underspend is used in line with this proposal in Section 2.8;
4. Note the annual treasury management report at Appendix 7 and note the actual 2021/22 prudential and treasury indicators;
5. Note the capital programme outturn position as detailed in Section 6 and Appendix 8, approve the carry forward of unspent budgets into 2022/23 and the inclusion of two new projects in the 2022/23 capital programme with a funding commitment of £50k;
6. Note the year end position in respect of Section 106 and CIL agreements and partnership funding agreements at Appendix 9;
7. Note the outturn position in respect of collection rates for council tax and non-domestic rates for 2021/22 in Appendix 10;
8. Receive the financial outturn performance position for the Housing Revenue Account for 2021/22 in Appendix 11 and approve the carry forward of capital budgets in 2022/23 as set out in Appendix 12.
Supporting documents:
- 2022_07_12_CAB_financial outturn_report, item 5. PDF 354 KB
- 2022_07_12_CAB_financial outturn_appendix 2_General Fund Revenue Outturn 2021-22, item 5. PDF 445 KB
- 2022_07_12_CAB_financial outturn_appendix 3_service level outturn performance position, item 5. PDF 535 KB
- 2022_07_12_CAB_financial outturn_appendix 4_significant variances, item 5. PDF 209 KB
- 2022_07_12_CAB_financial outturn_appendix 5_reserves statement 2021-22, item 5. PDF 401 KB
- 2022_07_12_CAB_financial outturn_appendix 6_carry forward requests, item 5. PDF 213 KB
- 2022_07_12_CAB_financial outturn_appendix 7_treasury management outturn report 2021-22, item 5. PDF 480 KB
- 2022_07_12_CAB_financial outturn_appendix 8_capital programme, item 5. PDF 52 KB
- 2022_07_12_CAB_financial outturn_appendix 9_section 106 receipts statement 2021-22, item 5. PDF 30 KB
- 2022_07_12_CAB_financial outturn_appendix 10_CTAX NNDR Monitoring 2021-22, item 5. PDF 11 KB
- 2022_07_12_CAB_financial outturn_appendix 11_HRA operating account, item 5. PDF 12 KB
- 2022_07_12_CAB_financial outturn_appendix 12_HRA Capital Programme and Major Repairs Reserve, item 5. PDF 12 KB