Agenda item

21/02594/FUL 76 Pennine Road,Cheltenham, GL52 5HE


The case officer introduced the report, highlighting key planning matters and a summary of conditions.


Public Speaking

A neighbour, speaking in objection, said he had concerns about a number of aspects of the development relating to noise and pollution.  The new plan which moved the flats back to fit in with the properties on Pennine Road would result in a reduction in the number of parking spaces from 14 to 12, with rear access to the property via Prescott Walk and an unadopted road - a nine-fold increase in traffic and pollution.  There is no indication as to who will be responsible for the unadopted road going forward. Prescott Walk is too narrow to accommodate two vehicles passing, resulting in the footpath being used for parking; there is no footpath on the unadopted road to allow pedestrian access to the new flats as stated.  Additional local traffic exiting onto Priors Road from Prestbury Road, could present a serious risk to this busy road, already significantly impacted by the 300 new houses opposite.  It is proposed that drainage from the proposed development will run to the rear, across the unadopted road to Prescott Walk and then Prestbury Road.  This area is already severely affected by surface water run-off and flooding during heavy rainfall, sometimes making them unusable to pedestrians.  The plans include a cycle store and no real mitigation to noise and nuisance for people living behind the property.


The agent, speaking in support, said that one of the reasons the application was called to Committee relates to ecology. An ecologist has worked with residents in relation to a badger sett off site to ensure its ongoing protection and a planning condition will ensure this is ongoing.  Another concern is the level of parking, but the proposal includes more spaces than the one per apartment required by the Gloucestershire Manual for Streets, providing 12 in total, plus electric vehicle charging facility and a large cycle store.  The application has been revised at the request of officers, setting it further back in the site to respect the building line; the Architects Panel considers it will enhance the area.  Officers have confirmed that the proposal is policy-compliant.


Member questions

In response to questions from Members, officers confirmed that:

-       the unadopted road is the small strip of land in front of the garages;

-       the position of the proposed bike store, to the rear of the property, is a common feature, and shouldn’t prove a security issue.  There will be no public access to the rear of the site;

-       the car parking spaces to the front are part of the landscaping scheme, which includes shrub planting;  this, and Condition 15, will ensure that the bin storage space is protected and isn’t used for car parking;

-       if a drop kerb is required for access, this will be dealt with as a separate application as it falls outside the red line of the site.  An informative can be included, to make sure the applicant is fully aware of this.   


Member debate

-       this is a small but interesting design, which doesn’t altogether fit in with the very traditional houses in Prestbury Road;

-       the addition of nine flats is to be welcomed.


Vote on officer recommendation to permit

9 in support – unanimous


Supporting documents: