Agenda item

21/02120/FUL Burger King, Gallagher Retail Park, Cheltenham, GL51 9RR


The case officer introduced the proposal.


Public Speaking

The agent thanked officers for working positively with the applicant.  The proposed site is a retail park location, previously the Homebase service yard, and for some years a redundant area of hardstanding.  The applicant has had detailed discussions with the highways authority, are officers are happy with the proposals.  It is not considered that the proposal will generate additional traffic.  The design is contemporary and will fit in well, and the landscaping scheme, including shrubs and grass, will soften the entrance to the retail park.  The proposal will bring an economic benefit in the form of 25-30 flexible jobs, and provide additional choice to the existing food and beverage provision along Tewkesbury Road.


Member questions

In response to questions, the highways officer provided confirmed that:

-       there are two access points to Gallagher Retail Park, and the siting of the proposed development would suggest that the majority of customers will access it from the Manor Road end;

-       the applicant has provided evidence clarifying queue distances at other units, and officers are satisfied that there is enough room to queue.  If cars were further displaced, it would be into the car park rather than the road, and there is a lot of queuing capacity on site.  Officers don’t anticipate any problems with queues on Tewkesbury Road.


Member debate

Members made the following points:

-       the question is whether this additional fast food outlet is necessary.  It will impact the businesses of existing food traders, but as Cheltenham doesn’t have a saturation policy for the number of food businesses, it is difficult to refuse the application on these grounds;

-       at peak times, the car park already operates above its maximum capacity, and an extension to the Next store has yet to be built, reducing parking space further;

-       the hours of business are stated, but it’s hard to believe that within six months there won’t be an application to extend these to 24/7 as other local outlets;

-       there will be a lot of waste from the outlet, and it would be helpful if the use of recyclable packaging could be conditioned;

-       the most likely reason to refuse the application would be on highways grounds – there have been police interventions and security issues with Macdonalds and KFC within yards of this site.  This will get worse when the road becomes busier with Junction 10 traffic.


The case officer confirmed that a standard condition regarding waste management would be included, and that the applicants had submitted a waste management strategy; the application is not significant enough to condition the scope of this.


The highways officer confirmed that changes to Junction 10 are still at consultation stage, with various transport modelling work being done, but this proposal, given the diversity of trips to other retailers and the small number of new trips, is considered de minimus with regard to highways volume now or in the future.


A Member suggested that other food retailers had caused issues because of their location next to Kingsditch Lane, but this proposal has a long lead in – cars would have the queue a long way before they impinged on Manor Road and then Tewkesbury Road.  If it was to become an issue at a later stage, mitigation measures could be put in place.


Vote of officer recommendation to permit

7 in support

2 in objection


Supporting documents: