Agenda item

Briefing from Cabinet Members


The Cabinet Member Safety and Communities updated Cabinet on the defibrillators in the town centre. There were now twelve in the town centre, with more on the way, and they had been used twice in the last week. She thanked the officers responsible for this, not just at CBC and the BID but also at Public Hearts. She also asked the Cabinet Member Culture, Wellbeing and Business whether she would be willing to put up signs in public play areas raising awareness of peanut allergies. The Cabinet Member Culture, Wellbeing and Business suggested that they set up a meeting with the Parks team and the Cabinet Member Finance and Assets, since this was an issue linked to all their portfolios.

The Cabinet Member Culture, Wellbeing and Business reported that the council now had a membership with a local business community group called Circle to Success, which she was looking forward to engaging with.

The Cabinet Member Climate Emergency reported that he had visited the From The Ground Up festival at the weekend, and it had been great to see over 800 people attending. He had spoken about the Climate Emergency Action Plan and Cheltenham Green Deal, which would go before Council shortly. He had also given a talk to Prestbury Parish Council on the same topic, and thanked them for inviting him. He thanked Laura Tapping, Alex Wells and Mike Redman for their hard work in putting these reports together, and the finance team for their support.

The Leader placed on record her thanks to Cllr. Maughfling, who would be stepping down as Chair of the Audit Committee shortly.


Decisions of Cabinet Members

The Cabinet Member Cyber and Strategic Transport reported that he had made two decisions: to extend a contract supporting the Cyber Central project, and to submit comments on behalf of CBC in relation to the M5 Junction 10 improvement scheme, in collaboration with Tewkesbury Borough Council.

The Cabinet Member Finance and Assets reported three decisions and an officer decision involving a contract waiver. He had taken two decisions to amend the Additional Restriction - Discretionary Business Grant Scheme for rounds 6 and 7 of applications, and had signed off on a deed of variation to a contract with Lloyd Bank for the provision of banking services. In addition to this, the Head of Property, Finance and Assets and Deputy Section 151 Officer had taken a decision to upgrade the fire alarm system at Swindon Road Depot, which needed reporting as it had involved the waiving of contract rules.

The Cabinet Member Waste, Recycling and Street Services had taken two decisions to award contracts, one for the supply of a Waste Materials Handler and the other for a refuse collection vehicle, both of which had been overdue a replacement.

The Cabinet Member Housing added that he had awarded grant funding of £500 for the financial year of 2021-22 to Gloucestershire Action of Refugees and Asylum Seekers (GARAS), and hoped that in the future they would be able to provide more funding to support their invaluable work.

The Cabinet Member Safety and Communities had taken two decisions, one relating to the Springbank Community Project and the other to the Paint Festival.