Agenda item

21/01270/FUL Oakfield House Stables, Oakfield House, Greenway Lane, Cheltenham


The Planning Officer introduced the report relating to the erection of a new stable block and riding manege on land associated with Oakfield House where two single storey stable buildings were recently demolished.  The application was before Committee due to the sites sensitive location within the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Previous applications for a residential dwelling had twice been before Committee, refused, and dismissed at appeal.


There were no speakers.


A member queried Highways’ recommendation that the entrance right of way should be tarmacked and questioned this as it was a private road and within AONB which does not lend itself to tarmacking.  The Officer replied that it related just to the section up to the gates, that the amount of tarmacking had been reduced considerably and that tarmacking was needed due to the type of vehicle that would be using it and for easier maintenance and cleaning due its usage within a horse stable environment.


In reply to questions on the colour of various facilities, the Officers replied that:

·         The roof would be black, with an alternative of dark green.

·         The nature of the surface of the manege was a dark black colour

·         The tarmac area of the car park would be the normal black grey tarmac, but there was willingness to accept a buff colour.


The Chair moved to debate and the following comments were made:

·         Think title of house wrong as there are no stables there

·         As it is located within an AONB, a new development has to enhance the area and members did not think this did

·         It altered the contour of the land

·         Query over size of proposed stable - to be large enough for horse welfare

·         Inappropriate development in area of AONB

·         Proposal to refuse on grounds of SD7

·         If a commercial undertaking, what provisions were in place for the disposal of manure

·         Would generate more traffic

·         Allowing permitted development in an area of AONB which would not enhance it.

·         Applicants enhanced area by removing the dilapidated outbuildings; would be wrong now to allow this proposal that does not enhance it further

·         All that is going to be seen are buildings and a black manege, together with the stable block, will look like a blot on the landscape; cannot support

·         Queries as to whether this could be subject to a change of use later.  This could be the case but it would need another application.


There being no further comments the Chair moved to vote on the Officer’s recommendation to permit.


FOR : 0






The Chair moved to vote on the proposal to refuse on grounds of SD7 and NPPF 172


The Officer suggested that the same refusal reason as before as set out in the report at paragraph 6.14 could be used and he read this out.  He asked for members’ consideration on the public right of way which was agreed. Members were happy to use this as the reason for refusal.

Upon a vote to refuse, it was:

FOR : 9


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