Agenda item
21/01815/FUL Lidl Foodstore, Grosvenor Terrace, Cheltenham GL52 2SA
The Planning Officer who wrote the report was unable to attend the meeting and the report was presented by another Planning Officer on their behalf.
There were 2 speakers on the application.
Tay Attwell who spoke in objection stated that the proposed opening hours for the site were for 12-14 hour a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year and that would have a negative effect on the amenity for local residents. There was also concern that there would be an increase of traffic in the town centre and in a conservation area and there would be a 40 foot shipping container on the site which would be visible from the surrounding properties and that should not be permitted in a conservation area. There was also a concern that once the property was granted as a B8 class, the site could become a distribution centre and that would be detrimental to the vitality of the area. She stated that the proposed opening hours were vastly different to other places providing the same service which were mostly 9-5 or 8-6 Monday to Saturday and either closed on a Sunday or open 10-4.
Councillor Clark also spoke in objection as the Ward Councillor. There was reiteration that no other storage facility in the area was open for such long hours. There was concern raised that due to the proximity to the High Street small shops would use the facility as a stock room and therefore the facility would be in constant use. The application stated that the facility would be used by up to 60% by local residents. There had been an approach by a developer to pull the site down and build apartments which she believed would be more in keeping with the area. There was concern that she had been told that there were no objections to the opening hours when Lidl applied for an extension knowing that they were moving, this was not the case. Councillor Clark then left the Chamber as she could not take part in the debate or the vote.
In response to Member questions the Interim Head of Planning confirmed that it was possible to restrict within B8 but wording would be key. The units could be divided as that was classed as internal works. There was no knowledge on how big each unit would be. There could be different opening hours as a restriction but consideration would have to be given to the previous use of the site. There could be a condition to stop the proposed office looking like a shipping container but it would be better to have amended plans from the applicant.
During the debate there were Members who expressed the opinion that it would be better to go for deferral and some Members who wanted to go for refusal and cited there was not enough parking for such a facility. There was also the belief that something better could be done with the site.
There was the proposal to defer for reasons of a separate office and different opening hours with the suggestion of 8-6 Monday- Saturday and 10-4 on Sundays.
The Chair moved to vote for deferral:
FOR: 6
Supporting documents:
- Lidl Food Store, Grosvenor Terrace - officer report, item 12. PDF 376 KB
- Lidl Food Store, Grosvenor Terrace - representations, item 12. PDF 147 KB