Agenda item

21/01856/FUL Imperial Gardens, Promenade, Cheltenham


The Planning Officer who wrote the report was unable to attend the meeting and the report was presented by another Planning Officer on their behalf. 


The Planning Officer presented the report relating to the erection of temporary structures including an ice rink in the south west quadrant of Imperial Gardens for a maximum of 75 days, including rig and de-rig, between November 2021 and January 2022.  The application was before Committee as the Council own Imperial Gardens.


Belinda Hunt, representing the BID, spoke in support of the application stating that an ice rink, together with the Christmas market and the enhanced Christrmas lights, would  be an additional attraction to aid the town’s post Covid recovery.  A good Christmas offering would put Cheltenham on a par with larger nearby cities and would be better than some more local towns.  She stated the location in Imperial Gardens linked the various areas of the town together, was accessible to all without drawing people away from the main retail zones and was close to the coach central drop off in Royal Well.  It would attract more local people and visitors, thus increasing the footfall to Cheltenham and benefiting the local economy. The Queens Hotel and other nearby businesses were fully supportive of the ice rink.


Councillor Horwood was invited to speak on behalf of Cllr Atherstone who wished to speak as Cabinet Member for Culture, Wellbeing and Business.   Cllr Horwood stated that this was the third attempt to get an ice rink to Cheltenham and that the Committee had approved the last two applications. The location was slightly different as previously it was proposed to be where the now newly erected Orangery was sited. He reiterated the significant economic benefit it would bring to the town alongside the Christmas Market and lights.  Ice rinks were very popular, especially with children and families would come into town increasing the footfall.  He stated that out of 122 letters sent out only 5 objections had been received with concern about noise from generators needed to keep the ice frozen and noise from music.  He stated there would be careful monitoring of these noise levels and echo barriers to absorb noise.  He said the risks were manageable and the ice rink had the support of the Cheltenham Trust, the BID, local hospitality and the Civic Society Forum and would bring added joy to Cheltenham at Christmas.


A member asked about that state of the gardens afterwards – would there be boarding to help protect the grass?  He also enquired about provision of changing rooms and lockers, additional portaloos and the cost of a skate.  In reply the Officer stated that the event was subject to a land use agreement in which a condition was to leave the area as was.  The Green Space team would also have responsibility for overseeing the area.  The Officer was unable to answer the other questions, but it was not felt these were pertinent to the decision.


During the debate a member expressed his delight that Cheltenham would rival big cities such as Cardiff and Birmingham and was supportive of the application.


A member raised further concerns about noise and cited recent complaints received from residents when the big screen was in Imperial Gardens.  He also felt diesel fumes from the generators did not go towards a carbon neutral environment.  Although the idea was good and he supported the increase in footfall it would bring, he felt it was in the wrong location and that residents in Imperial and Montpellier Gardens constantly had to put up with noise and rubbish.  On a positive point, it was noted that a telephone number would be handed out to residents to ring if affected by the noise.


The Chair, although he understood the concerns of the ward councillor, felt that there were sufficient measures in place to mitigate against some of the problems.


The Chair moved to vote on the Officer’s recommendation to permit.


FOR : 8




GRANTED unanimously

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