Agenda item

21/00483/FUL Hatherley Park, Hatherley Court Road, Cheltenham, GL51 3AQ


The Planning Officer presented the report relating to the siting of a temporary structure on a purpose built hardstanding area to serve refreshments in a small area of Hatherley Park adjacent to the existing play area.  The application was at committee as the structure was on council owned land.


In response to member questions the Officer replied as follows:


·         Assumed it was connected to a mains supply, as although the cabin had solar panels this may not produce sufficient energy to power it.

·         Conditions relating to waste collection and recycling would be part of the lease agreement.

·         With regard to toilets, if it became clear these were required, the lease could stipulate that the applicant should provide such facilities and maintain them. The Council felt that if they provided toilet facilities this could attract anti-social behaviour and the public toilets there at the moment were not open.

·         Confirmed the hard standing rubble and stone surface was put down only relatively recently. It was permeable, it would not be tarmacked and could be easily removed and grassed over.

·         Difficult to say whether it was the kiosk itself or the impact of corona virus that had led to the increase in traffic and reduction in parking spaces.

·         The horse box was designed based on a TV series that was filmed in Hatherley Park and that won them the lease from Property, so assume the bright blue colour and design was based on the butterfly box from that.


There being no further questions the Chair moved to debate and members made the following points:-


·         Confirmed that the site had had a surface put down in the last 12 months.

·         An objection was to the concrete hard standing, but in fact it was rubble and stone.

·         Kiosk has been widely welcomed by residents.  Good to have outside refreshments.

·         Regarding the colour, probably got to go with the colour of the caravan that was there. However, as the kiosk was right by the children’s play area which was also colourful, it was not felt the colour would have a big impact on the area.

·         One member felt the issue of traffic around the entrance to the park was minimal and was not a problem. 

·         Another member felt there was a parking problem in the area and that it could be difficult to find a parking space and would be especially with commuters returning.  This problem had been increasing since restrictions were put in place in Lansdown.  However the park was in a residential area so people could walk there.

·         Another suggested the parking could not be attributed to the kiosk; it was a well-used park and would always be busy around the entrance with people arriving and going and hoped that nothing would be done which would prevent that in the future.

·         It appeared that recycling bins had now been put next to the normal litter bins, so once away from the kiosk the recyclable cups etc. from the kiosk could still be recycled.  However it was stressed that bins should be emptied at busy times.

·         Given that this application was for a temporary permission for 3 years only, some members felt it would need to be readdressed after that time and if it became permanent then agreed toilets would be required. It was pointed out that Pittville Park now had some fairly permanent temporary toilets in place there. The ward councillor agreed that in the long term toilet facilities would be required as none there at present.

·         A similar temporary refreshment facility was in place in Burrows Field which had gone down very well with residents and users and had not caused any problems.

·         One objection related to being linked in to the electricity supply, however it was felt electric power was preferable to a potentially smelly noisy diesel generator.

·         Members generally supported the kiosk and felt it would be a useful addition to the park.  Parks were a vital part of the community and people should be encouraged to use them and the offer of refreshments would contribute to this.


There being no further comments or questions, the Chair moved to vote to permit the application as per the Officer’s recommendation.


For : 10

Against : 0

Abstain: 0


PERMITTED unanimously

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