Agenda item

Application for a Street Trading Consent

Street Trading Consent report.


The Licensing Team Leader introduced the report relating to an application from Marketplace Europe Limited for a street trading consent to operate the 2021 Cheltenham Christmas market.   The market would operate from 24 November to 23 December, with the proposal to be located on the pedestrianised area outside Cavendish House on the Promenade, along the Long Gardens and Imperial Gardens to the Queens Hotel.


Representations both for and against this application had been received and most of the 24 objections related to the impact this would have on a couple of existing markets operated by Cotswold Markets Limited who would not have a location for their markets. However the objections had now largely been discharged as agreement had been reached over new locations along the High Street for the Cotswold Markets.  Members would also have to approve the alternative locations for Mr Danter’s roundabout and Mr Raviv Hadad’s falafel stall, if they approved the main application.


In response to questions from members, the Officer replied:


·         With regard to temporary positions falling within normal street trading locations, the falafel stall would only relocate a little further towards the junction with Winchcombe Street and so would still be within those bounds; the Danter’s roundabout would move further down the High Street nearer the junction with Cambray Place and this was not in a permitted street trading area.  However this was only for 3 weekends and this would not impact on future applications or set a precedent as each application had to be dealt with on its own merit.  However the Officer stated it would be preferable to find a long term solution to this, so that this was not repeated next year.

·         In a normal year, discussions were held with the two different market operators to discuss when they would be on site and where, to avoid any clashes.

·         Stall holders rent should not increase and their market share should not reduce as the new proposed location could accommodate the same amount of stalls.

·         The objections were submitted before discussions were held with Cotswold Markets and Mr Joynes was happy with the new proposals on location and satisfied he could sell it to his traders.

·         Regarding using an outside company for the Christmas market and pushing aside local businesses, this was beyond the Council’s control.  The bidding process was handled by the BID and Marketplace Europe were awarded it and Cotswold Markets were unsuccessful.


Mr Pigeon, Operations Manager from Marketplace Europe, was invited to speak in support of the application.  He explained that he had tendered for this contract in March 2020 and been successful and that he operated weekly markets across the UK with Christmas markets in Bath, Glasgow and Belfast amongst others.  He emphasised that he wanted to work with and include as many local traders and businesses as possible.  It was not his ethos to come in and take over he wanted to add value to the town centre and local businesses.  He said all the stalls would be wooden chalets and his application was for a longer period of time as renting or hiring for 2 weeks was too costly.  He had visited all the proposed sites and wanted to include the Cotswolds markets who would be trading as well for the last 2 weeks and suggested this would bring people into the town and increase footfall.  He wanted it to become a premier place locally for Christmas markets and for people to stay in Cheltenham rather than visit other Christmas markets in nearby cities.  He would work closely with the BID and Marketing Cheltenham.


Jess Goodwin, Events Manager for Marketing Cheltenham and the Cheltenham BID, also spoke in support of the application.  She said they wanted to regenerate the town centre, aid the town’s economic recovery and increase footfall and that Christmas was a critical trading period.  Due to Covid and the cancellation of the market last year, this year was even more important.  She continued that previously the Christmas market did not attract visitors from beyond the county and that it was essential to put Cheltenham back on map and to stop people going to other places nearby.  She felt  Marketplace Europe could help do this and had the commitment to support the local economy.  They organised the Belfast Christmas market which was now one of best in Europe.  They were already reaching out to coach companies and running a successful educational programme working with local schools.  She also welcomed the move to the High Street of the Arts and Crafts Market and said the two markets together would increase footfall in Cheltenham in the pre-Christmas period.


In reply to member questions,  Mr Pigeon stated that Cotswold Markets liked to trade for 2 weeks only with shorter trading hours.   It was also not feasible for a trader to rent a chalet on the Christmas market for just 2 out of the 4 weeks with another trader taking the other 2 weeks and for economic reasons it was more profitable to rent for 4 weeks. There had been much discussion about the elements of trading between the two market holders, which had now been agreed.


A member asked how the education programme worked.  Jess Goodwin explained that they would be promoting the market by linking in with the No Child Left Behind programme which the majority of schools were part of.  Mr Pigeon continued that in Belfast school tours around the market and the various international stalls were organised, so children could learn about the cultures of different countries.  The pupils would then share their experience with family who would hopefully wish to visit.   Engagement also took place with event management university students who could have a look behind the scenes and the logistical operational of such markets.  They were open to suggestions particular to Cheltenham and a suggestion was made of involving Cheltenham’s twin towns.  Jess Goodwin confirmed that part of the tender criteria was to use as many local traders as possible with the support of the BID and not to bring in too many external businesses.


The Chair moved to the debate and members made the following comments:


·         Satisfied that the Christmas market complied with street trading aims. That it sustained established shops by attracting more people to the town centre; maintained the quality of the townscape and would add value to the town by bringing in more trade and customers.  It would also encourage inward investment as the town recovered from the pandemic. 

·         In the interests of the whole Borough, happy that the local offer running alongside the main Christmas market was good and would bring good benefits to Cheltenham.  

·         Pleased that alternative locations for existing traders had been found and that the High Street was a good alternative to reach out to more people.

·         Ensure that local residents were aware of the dates and location of the Cotswold and Farmers markets.

·         The Licensing Team had negotiated well with the other parties involved, as there were none of the 24 objectors present at the meeting which was evidence that all objections had been discharged by the Officers and objectors were happy.


In reply to a final question, it was confirmed that Marketing Cheltenham would be running a Christmas campaign to bring people into the town and that all the markets would be included in this together with their locations and dates and times of operating.


There being no further questions or comments, the Chair moved to vote:


To approve the application as members were satisfied that the location was suitable in light of the policy provisions.


APPROVED unanimously


To approve the alternative locations for Cotswold Markets Ltd,  Mr Danter and Mr Raviv Hadad.


APPROVED unanimously


To delegate authority to the Licensing Team Leader to put in place the practical arrangements to enable the relocations.


APPROVED unanimously


The Chair wished that thanks to the Licensing Team Leader and team be placed on record for their work in getting a solution to this and he hoped it would be successful.


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