Agenda item

Art Gallery and Museum

Discussion paper of the Museum, Arts and Tourism Manager


The Museum, Arts and Tourism Manager introduced the paper which had been circulated separately to the agenda and prior to the meeting.  The paper offered an update on progress since the last report to Council on the 11 February. 


The second-round bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund was successful with a grant for the full amount requested; £750k.


The AG&M closed on the 1 April 2011 for the start of the decanting programme, moving collections to various sites including the Depot, 3 St. Georges Place and the existing galleries above the Library.  No rental charges would be paid for these spaces, just covering costs (business rates, heating and security systems).


The design scheme had been completed and was now half way through the procurement process for a contractor.  If current timescales were maintained, work would commence on the 26 July 2011 and be completed by August 2012, ready to be opened by early the following year, 2013.


The fundraising campaign had so far raised, including the HLF bid, £5,380,475, which left a shortfall of £919,525 to achieve the £6.3million target.  However, not withstanding the decision by the Council to underwrite the shortfall, the fundraising campaign continued to raise funds, with the launch of the Phase III fundraising campaign at the end of May. 


A partnership agreement with the University of Gloucestershire (Faculty of Media, Art and Communications) was currently being developed.


The AG&M were also in discussions to let the ground floor retail area and sell art and crafts. 


A series of off-site exhibitions and projects were being arranged throughout the closure period in an effort to continue to engage and interact with current audiences as well as develop other audiences who would not ordinarily engage.


She took the opportunity to remind members of the event being hosted at the AG&M on the 25 May to celebrate the start of the development scheme and launch the Phase III fundraising campaign.


The following responses were given by the Museum, Arts and Tourism Manager to questions from members of the committee;


  • The University had to date, put £60k towards the development scheme. The ongoing discussions were in relation to the placements and events that would be available to students.
  • Stakeholders from other galleries, etc, in Cheltenham and slightly beyond had been communicated with and would be contacted again soon to advise them of progress and future plans.
  • The design was as agreed as part of the Planning Application that was made, there had been no subsequent changes.
  • It was hoped that new audiences would visit the new scheme once work was completed as it would be far more informal than before. 
  • The ‘Museum Take-Away’ service, which involved a box of exhibits going out to various venues would be rolled out across Cheltenham in partnership with organisations, which could include Schools and Resource Centres.  However, first work would be undertaken to build relationships within communities in order to provide them with what they want, rather than imposing something on them.  This approach had worked for other galleries in the past.


The Chair thanked the Museum, Arts and Tourism Manager, who agreed with the suggestion that whilst various updates were scheduled on the work plan, members would benefit from and welcome site visits.  She advised that the architect and out-reach officers would be attending the event on the 25 May.

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