Agenda item

20/01680/FUL British Telecom, Oriel Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL50 1BA


The Planning Officer presented his report which related to an application for a new sliding vehicle access gate to Oriel Road, replacement of existing gate to Vittoria Walk and new metal railings on top of existing low level brick wall opposite Wolseley Terrace.



The objector Mr Ratcliffe was then given the opportunity to speak.  He made the following points:

-       Object to ringing the site with metal fencing that does not follow heritage policy.

-       There has been no harm caused at all by anti-social behaviour therefore no need for a fortress on Wolseley Terrace.

-       He mentioned 6.12, 6.13 and 6.14 in that he disagreed with these points in the report.

-       The proposed gate and fencing will be an eyesore and believes that a better solution can be found.



The matter then went to Member questions as follows:


-       On the application and on the drawings they are heritage railings in Wolseley Terrace but not the other areas surrounding the site – surely they should all be the same as the site is so important.

-       Is there a conservation officer present to assist with the application? It was confirmed that as he had supplied comments then he wouldn’t be present at the meeting.

-       It appears that British Telecom cited antisocial behaviour as a reason for the application, however there does not appear to have been any recent issues.  Why has the officer not asked the applicant for further details?

-       The objector stated that he had suggested alternative plans, would like to ask the officer what alternatives were suggested.


The responses were as follows:

-       In terms of the railings on top of the brick wall – there are other sites that have done the same and it is not the responsibility of the Planning Officer to re design the application.

-       With regard to the Conservation Officer being present he provided comments as an update to informal discussions with planning.

-       Only considering the merits of the design as the building is not a listed building and there is not an application for Listed Building Consent.

-       The Planning Officer re iterated that it is not his responsibility to suggest alternatives to the applicant.


The matter then went to Member Debate:


-       The debate appears to be about the railings around the listed building – believes that there should be a gap not full railings to leave road way for loading in and out of Wolseley Terrace.  Would favour moving the railings closer to the building.  Also if there are spears on the top of the railings they should not be in gold as that is reserved for properties with royal connections.

-       The BT building is not a listed building but in a conservation area, the gates that are in Vittoria Walk look like they are for an industrial site and not enhancing an heritage site.  We are very fortunate in Cheltenham as we look after our heritage sites.  Putting up industrial railings are not in keeping with the area.  The applicant does not appear to have given good reason for the application.

-       Assumes that there are operational reasons for the applicant there is a precedence for railings in the area, there are some already in the vicinity.  The railing may enhance the site however the railings that they have suggested are not the same style all-round the site and this needs to be considered.

-       The railings at the side facing Vittoria walk are not too bad however the Oriel Road ones do give concern, always been a nice area however the proposal will make the property look like a prison.

-       The telephone exchange has been there since 1968, which included the period of IRA bombings and security wasn’t an issue during that time, has there been a Covid related spike in anti-social behaviour since mid-2020. 

-       This is a horrible looking building and they may have a security issue, the railings on Wolseley Terrace are the main issue on the application.

-       Cannot recall seeing a BT building that is inspiring – no objections to the railings would like more consistency of the railings and the position of the railings in Wolseley Terrace are effecting access to the area.

-       To refuse would be a mistake a conservation officer has issued a report, thinks that the railings would improve the building.  Congratulated the Officers in bringing an improved application. 

-       Railings can smarten up and tidy up a site, there could be a compromise agreed. 

-       Understand the reasons for the application, disappointed with BT’s reaction to dealing with Wolseley Terrace and there has been know communication with the residents.

-       No thought has been given to their neighbours in Wolseley Terrace and their access.

-       If this is refused could the applicant put in something without permission.  The Officer responded and stated that they could put in something up to 1 metre high without permission?

-       Surprised that in a conservation area you can put up anything in a conservation area.  The railings on top of a brick wall are not a conservation railing and will not look good in a conservation area.


The chair then went to the legal officer regarding a proposal for deferral.


The vote was then taken for the deferral:


For :    9

Against: 2       

Abstain:  0





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