Agenda item

20/01371/FUL Balcarras School, East End Road, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham GL53 8QF


The Senior Planning Officer presented the report, which related to the construction of a new two storey modular building to temporarily accommodate up to 120 year seven pupils from September 2021 to summer 2022, following which the proposed building would be repurposed for educational use by the Balcarras Academy Trust.

The Chair invited public speaker, Mr Dominic Burke, headteacher of Balcarras School to address the committee in support of the application.  He explained that due to a delay in the development of the new High School in Leckhampton, there would be an  acute shortfall in secondary school places in September 2021.   Balcarras, as the sponsor to the new school, agreed to provide a temporary home for the pupils who would be due to start the new school in September 2021. Once the pupils moved to the High School in September 2022, the newly built modular building would be repurposed for use by Balcarras School, who had two ‘bulge’ year groups of 8 forms rather than 7 and was consistently oversubscribed.  Therefore permission was requested for this to be a permanent building.   Mr Burke continued that, apart from the extra High School pupils in September 2021, Balcarras had no plans to increase its pupil admission number.  The school would do its best to avoid the creation of extra traffic and had negotiated the provision of school buses to transport the Leckhampton pupils.

A member asked about the provision of toilets in the new block, suggesting that six might not be enough for over 120 people. The Senior Planning Officer responded that if the toilets were insufficient, this would be picked up at the building control stage.  Another member stressed the importance of the transport arrangements and asked for confirmation that this would not have an unreasonable impact.  Matthew Prince (Gloucestershire Highways) suggested there would be an increase, but confirmed  that the school travel plan had been adjusted and amended to accommodate the additional pupils and that there were provisions in place to cope with increased traffic, including provision of an additional bus and that their own assessment found them to be sufficient.

Members made the following comments:-

·         The County Council had failed in getting the new school up and running in time and this had led to the present situation.  Objections to this application were the result of the County’s inaction.  Another Member expressed the view that Gloucestershire County Council had done its best to progress the new school and that the problems encountered were not exclusively the fault of, or in the control of, the County Council.

·         The proposal was not perfect, but it would go some way to solving a crucial issue as it was important to make increased school places available.

·         Agreed that the proposal was positive and had to be supported to cover the capacity required. It was the best that could be made of a difficult situation.

·         The application was praised for turning a negative into a positive, and for delivering plans for a building with genuine long-term value. There would be a temporary impact, but it would be worth it in the long term.

·         Glad the school would be able to keep the building and make use of it on a permanent basis.

·         Concern was expressed about parking, particularly at certain times of day, and the suggestion made that the county council should encourage students from Leckhampton to use school buses and to supplement the cost of them.

·         Need to ensure school travel plan works properly as there will be increased traffic and need to be mindful of local residents and the objections that they made.

·         Following a visit, the children’s safety did not appear to be compromised and traffic was moving very slowly.

·         Need this extra capacity and very grateful to the Headteacher of Balcarras for taking this on to cover the shortfall.

There being no further comments or questions the Chair moved to vote on the Officer’s recommendation to permit.


For: 11
Against: 0
Abstentions: 0


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