Agenda item

Strategy for the use of Imperial and Montpellier Gardens

Agree outline design for both gardens before the tendering process


The Cabinet Member Sustainability introduced the report as circulated with the agenda, which presented to Cabinet the results of the consultation process for the design proposals for Imperial Gardens. 


Proposals for the redesign had been subject to a great deal of debate through various channels.  The public consultation resulted in submissions from individuals, stakeholders and groups and the proposals had been considered by two overview and scrutiny committees (Economy & Business Improvement and Environment), as well as at Council.  Whilst a small number of alternatives were proposed, criticism was constructive and predominantly public reaction had been favourable with a number of commendations for the design, for which he paid tribute to Officers.  Having taken heed of reservations about maintenance, he gave assurances that land use agreements for all users would clearly define user responsibilities in relation to reinstatement.  Festivals were restricted to a maximum number of days tentage and charges would apply where this elapsed.  It had become clear that it would not be possible to meet the full aspirations for infrastructure in Montpellier Gardens, specifically regards the electricity.  He was minded that the Friends of Imperial Square and Gardens take forward the reinstatement of railings to Imperial Gardens, but this was subject to a number of caveats (planning permission, etc). 


The Leader confirmed that the decision was a key decision. 


The Cabinet Member Built Environment endorsed the Cabinet Member Sustainability’s commendation of the designs produced by Officers and praised all stakeholders (The Civic Society, Cheltenham in Bloom, etc) and members of the public who contributed to the consultation.  The design aimed to accommodate the requirements of Cheltenham Festivals, whilst mitigating any resulting damage to the gardens and he envisaged a reduction in damage as a direct result of the proposals.  At the same time as retaining Cheltenham Festivals in the town centre it was also tremendously important to preserve the gardens, the colourful setting of Imperial Gardens and the cherished open space of Montpellier Gardens.  


The Leader concurred that the current arrangements were not sustainable.  He congratulated the Cabinet Member Sustainability and all others involved, in achieving a positive conclusion – yet the work was still to be done.   




  1. Authority be delegated to the Director Operations in consultation with the Cabinet Member, Sustainability and the Council Leader, to go forward with a tendering process to undertake the first phase of the proposed works in Imperial Gardens
  2. Tentage designs for Montpellier gardens be restricted to approximately 4700M2, (excluding walkways and gazebos) and authority be delegated to the Director Operations in consultation with the Cabinet Member, Sustainability to agree the exact figure.
  3. At the same time, authority be delegated to the Director (Operations) in consultation with the Cabinet Member, Sustainability and the Council Leader to go forward with a tendering process for infrastructure in Montpellier Gardens.
  4. Authority be delegated to the Director Operations in consultation with the Cabinet Member, Sustainability and the Council Leader, to submit the relevant sections of the scheme for planning approval and listed building consent.
  5. The final decision to go ahead with works in Imperial Gardens and Montpellier Gardens are to be referred back to Cabinet for decision on the 18th October 2011 in time for completion of works over the winter 2011/2.

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