Agenda item

20/00273/FUL 21 Great Western Road




Emma Pickernell (Senior Planner) introduced the item. 


Public Speaking:


Mr Callum Wilson on behalf of neighbour, spoke in objection to the application, highlighting the lack of parking provision, the matter of odour in relation to bins and impact on his garden.


Mr Simon Firkins on behalf of the applicant spoke in support of the application, reminding Members that car ownership is low in this sustainable location, and the proposal will make a valuable contribution to Cheltenham’s housing supply.


Councillor Willingham, Ward Councillor, spoke in objection to the application, focussing on parking issues the lack of assessments in respect of bin and cycle storage, and the potential impact on bins on the highway on disabled residents.  He suggested deferral or refusal.




Member Questions:


In response to a Member’s question, the Legal Officer confirmed that:


-           while it would technically be possible for a landlord to include a no-cars clause in a tenancy agreement, though this in itself could  would be seen as discriminatory for example if a disabled person wished to live at the property, but there did not appear to be any planning reasons to their to be such restrictions in respect of the planning application.


The Head of Planning confirmed that:

-           GCC Highways Officers were unable to attend the Committee but had provided the Head of Planning with a verbal explanation of parking availability in advance. The Head of Planning confirmed that the number of parking permits issued for this zone by GCC equates to 42% of the total on street parking spaces available in this parking zone. A ‘space’ is assumed to be 6m in length. GCC calculate the total space available for on street parking in a given zone, divide by 6 (as each car space is 6m) and arrive at a total number of spaces available in that zone.



The Senior Planner confirmed that:

-           the condition in respect refuse and recycling storage facilities could be amended to require the submission of details.



Member debate


-           a Member wondered if Gloucestershire County Council had taken into account the real parking difficulties in the area, and said it was disappointing that no highways representative was in attendance at the meeting;

-           a Member noted that the properties fall into zone 12 -  a sizeable zone  - and wondered if there is a way that Gloucestershire Highways can tell which of the roads in that zone are the most heavily used and could provide more refined permit distribution accordingly;

-           there was some concern about the provision for bins in the bin store and whether there was enough room for the bins to be taken to the front of the house.  It was proposed that the impact of the bins on the neighbour be considered as  a condition.

-           there was a view that Gloucestershire County Council’s informative as they had originally proposed should remain

Councillor Fisher moved to defer the application.


Vote on Councillor Fisher’s move to defer:

For : 2

Against: 10

No abstentions




Vote on the officer recommendation to permit, with an amended condition in respect refuse and recycling storage facilities to require the submission of details: 

For: 8

Against: 4

No abstentions





Supporting documents: