Agenda item

Appointment of a new Chief Executive/Head of Paid Service

Report of the Chair of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee 


This item was taken in open session as announced by the Mayor at the start of the Council meeting.

The Chair of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee introduced the report and explained that an Appointments & Remuneration Sub Committee was established in August 2019 to progress the recruitment of the new Chief Executive. Penna, a recruitment consultancy, was engaged and advised the Sub Committee throughout the process including recommending suitable candidates for short-listing, the interview process and advising on final selection for appointment.  She explained that to further enhance the recruitment process and to ensure that as much information as possible was available to the Sub-Committee, key stakeholders were invited to meet the short-listed candidates as part of the interview process.

Six candidates were short-listed and undertook a technical assessment interview. At the Sub-Committee meeting on the 26th September 2019, a report from Penna was considered, with feedback from the technical assessment interviews. The Sub-Committee agreed unanimously that two candidates be shortlisted to progress to the final interview stage on 1 October which comprised a panel exercise and involvement of local community and business leaders as well as Members and the Executive Leadership Team over lunch.

The Chair of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee reported that the Sub-Committee was unanimous in its decision that, subject to the approval of Full Council, Gareth Edmundson should be offered the post of Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service and outlined the reasons why. It was also agreed that the post would be offered on the agreed salary of £113,403 rising subject to satisfactory performance to £116,254 after 6 months in post.

She explained that the Chief Executive was accountable to the whole Council and the Leaders of each of the council’s political groups would be responsible for monitoring performance through regular 1-2-1 meetings as well as through the annual appraisal process.

She confirmed that, in accordance with the constitution, the Leader and Cabinet were informed of the recommendation and gave their consent to the appointment.

Finally, she wished to put on record to the HR Manager, Julie McCarthy, for her advice and guidance throughout the process. 

The Leader added that he had observer status on the Sub Committee and confirmed he had been consulted on the appointment. He wished to thank all involved in the process. He fully endorsed the recommendation and believed Gareth Edmundson had the right skills and experience for the role.

The Mayor also wished to put on record his thanks to the Appointments and Remuneration Sub Committee for their significant involvement.

RESOLVED (unanimously) THAT


1.    the position of Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service be offered to Gareth Edmudson.


2.    the post be offered on the agreed salary of £113,403 rising (subject to satisfactory performance) to £116,254 after 6 months in post.


3.    the Chair of the Sub-Committee, in conjunction with the HR Manager, be authorised to finalise the arrangements and agree the start date for the Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service.


The meeting adjourned at 4.30 pm

The meeting reconvened at 4:50 pm.


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