Agenda item
19/01298/FUL 26 Hatherley Court Road
Cllr Hobley leaves
Cllr Mason back
6e. 19/01298/FUL 6 Hatherley Court Road
CD introduced the application, to extend a 2-storey detached house into the central conservation area. The proposal is to remove the conservatory, and construct front and rear extensions, and a loft conversion. It is at Committee at the request of Cllrs Barrell and Harman, and the recommendation is to permit.
Public Speaking
Mr Seymour, agent, in support
Is speaking on behalf of the applicants to support the officer recommendation to permit. Determination centres on two main issues: the design of the extension and how it affects the conservation area, and the impact on neighbours. These four houses were built in the 1990s, are not historic, and therefore contribute less to the character and nature of the conservation area; the other side of Hatherley Court Road is not in the conservation area. The house is set back, and the proposals to the rear of the property will have limited visibility, protected by trees and hedges, which screen views from Court Gardens and the flats in Hatherley Court. Even if it were more visible, it is only a 2.3m projection from the original house, typical in size of similar extensions, and subservient to the main house. It is simple and modern in design, and will match the existing dwelling. The changes to the front of the house will be more visible, but as the officer report sets out at paragraph 6.9, will have no significant impact on the street scene, and give the house a greater symmetry.
Of the neighbouring properties, 27 Hatherley Court Road is the only one to be affected; the Hatherley Court flats are 40m away, at an angle and with mature hedges in between. The case officer does not consider the proposal will have any impact on these properties. The roof terrace has been removed from the plans, so is no longer an issue. The applicant has worked in collaboration with the case officer to work out extensions appropriate to this type of house in a conservation area, without causing any harm to neighbouring residential amenity. Hopes that Members will vote in favour and permit the scheme.
Cllr Harman, in objection
There have been several objections from Hatherley Court Road residents who do not agree with the view that this proposal will not have a significant impact. No. 23 considers it to be excessive, almost doubling the size of the existing house, which cannot be regarded as subservient. No. 25 states that the houses were originally planned carefully in respect of their relationship to Hatherley Court itself, and this extension will make No. 26 stand out awkwardly. A letter from Foxley Tagg on behalf of No. 27 states that the extensions are much too large and will have an adverse impact on No. 27. The proposal fails to respect the character and scale, and causes unacceptable harm to dwelling itself, the conservation area, and the adjacent heritage asset.
Member debate
MC: on site visit, thought the existing property is quite ugly, though realises this is a matter of opinion. Has had a good look at sight lines, some of which were highlighted in the objections, and couldn’t see much issue. Thinks the proposal is an improvement, and will vote in support.
SW: the main objection seems to be that the house will be oversized. Can see that it will be bigger than the current building but no bigger than Nos. 27, 28 and 29, looking at the indicative on the street plan. We can’t use the size of the proposal as a reason to refuse. It will be squarer but imagines the square footage is about the same. Will support officer recommendation.
SC: obviously this is an already large house made larger, and it will be a lovely dwelling. The problem is, looking at existing and proposed site plan side by side, how much larger the proposed dwelling is to what currently exists. The footprint is much greater, and regarding subservience, it seems more like a new house. This will have an effect on the immediate neighbour to the west, but the real problem is that it will be a very large property jammed into small plot, with loss of green space around it. Is uneasy with this; is there any rule about the amount of space/garden a house should have?
DO, in response:
- there are no policies relating to size of gardens.
Vote on officer recommendation to permit
10 in support
1 abstention
Supporting documents:
- 26 Hatherley Court Road - officer report, item 11. PDF 219 KB
- 26 Hatherley Court Road - representations, item 11. PDF 2 MB