Agenda item

19/00213/FUL Balcarras School, East End Road, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire


Officer introduction

MP introduced the application, she advised that the application was seeking planning permission for the installation of a Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) comprising 4 courts, complete with 3m high twin wire fencing, and floodlighting to 2 of the courts.

She explained that the application was before the planning committee at the request of Councillor McCloskey, and was also the subject of an objection from the Parish Council.

Member Debate


DB: Noted that in the Parish Council submission they had suggested that the lighting be fitted with a time clock so as to prevent lighting being left on through the night. She queried whether a decision had been made on this. She also questioned whether the cumulative lighting effect had been considered by environmental health.


TO: Given the residents concerns he questioned whether it would be possible to condition the use of the 2 pitches nearest to residents so that they could not be used for team sports i.e. basketball as this would cause more disturbance to residents. 


JP: Noted that Sport England had requested a management and maintenance scheme be put in place before the courts were brought in to use. He questioned who had oversight of this plan and how would it be monitored.


VA: Noted that one of the residents who backs on to court suggested that the court should be turned 90 degrees in order to maintain a reasonable separation between the MUGAs and the residents of Willow Road, she questioned whether this had been considered.


MP in response:

-       She advised that they hadn’t imposed a condition regarding the time clock, however, if residents were experiencing issues with the lighting they could report this to the council and it would be dealt with through enforcement action. 

-       With regards to the cumulative effect of the lighting, she explained that this had been dealt with by environmental health who had advised that the lux levels on neighbouring properties would still be a zero value because of the nature of flood lighting. 

-       She highlighted that it would not be in there remit to restrict the particular sports played on the pitches, however, it was likely that the courts furthest from the residents would be used in the first instance.  As part of the community use agreement they could stipulate that the 2 courts closest to residents be used as a last resort. 

-       Sports England had requested that they be consulted on the community use agreement and the maintenance plan and so it would be devised in consultation with them.

-       They hadn’t specified that the court be turned 90 degrees as this would eat in to the existing playing facilities, if turned round it would also be feasible for flood lighting on all 4 courts which would intensify the lighting issue. DO reiterated that if it were to be flipped 90 degrees the piece of land would not be fit for purpose.

-       She confirmed that only the 2 courts to the North East were flood lit.


MC: Sympathised with residents whose properties abutted the area, however, noted that other areas within the school already abutted residential properties.

He felt that the suggestions put forward by Sports England were extremely positive and agreed that flipping the courts 90 degrees wouldn’t work.


Vote of officer recommendation to permit


13 For

0 Against

1 Abstention




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