Agenda item
19/00204/FUL Car Park, Chester Walk
Officer introduction
DO began by introducing Chris Mead, GCC highways officer, who is present to answer any highways questions on the first item. He will attend meetings where appropriate in the future.
The proposal is a mixed use innovation hub in the town centre, behind the children’s library, to the east of the Grade 1-listed St Mary’s Minster. The site is currently used as a car park and some retail. It will be built to a module construction, and will serve as a work space, events facility, and education facility. Conditions are included to control any events. An ancillary café, four parking spaces and cycle spaces are included. The key planning matters are the principle of development, parking, and impact on heritage assets.
Regarding the principle of development, this is a town centre location, close to transport links. Local policy is supportive of small and medium-sized start-ups in central locations,.
The land is currently a car park, used by county council staff. CBC is current in negotiation with the county, to perform a land swap involving 60 parking spaces in St George’s Road car park. The applicant has undertaken a parking survey, and identified existing capacity at other town centre car parks at key times. In addition, the proposal provides 28 cycle spaces, and is near to main bus routes. GCC has been consulted and has raised no highways objection.
Regarding heritage and the effect on the adjacent GI-listed building, Historic England and the conservation officer raised initial concerns about the façade on the left side of the proposed building, which was originally much larger. Through negotiation, the entrance has been broadened and the entrance set back. The conservation officer is now happy to support the scheme and Historic England’s objections have been overcome. The Minster is
fully supportive, and consultation has taken place throughout. The applicant is also consulting with GCC to ensure good connection between the library and the new building.
Officers consider the proposal fits well in the area, providing employment, vibrancy, and natural surveillance. The recommendation is to permit.
Public speaking
Cllr Hay, in support
This is an enormously exciting opportunity for Cheltenham to create something different, which fits in brilliantly with its culture, heritage and place making, as well as providing a cultural hub with the library, art gallery and museum. The modern design combines old and new and sits well in its setting. Visited a similar venue in Newcastle, and noted that the audiences in the creative hub were very diverse in age – it is not just for the young, as some people may think. It will also make a massive difference to perception of the Minster – a jewel of a building currently hidden away - opening up the vista, and eventually creating a walkway, supported by the Diocese. The town currently loses young people looking for a start-up space in Cheltenham – this absolutely ticks that box. Hopes that Planning Committee supports the recommendation to permit.
Member debate
SW: Is glad to hear Minster is in approval - it is a wonderful historic building tucked away behind Chelt House, and it will be great to open up the area. Is impressed with the use of
shipping containers; following the earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand, these have been used to create shops, offices, cafes, whole malls - they look wonderful, and equal to the likes of the Regent Arcade when inside. If this is half as good, it will be a wonderful addition to the town.
VA: absolutely loves the idea of this development. Is particularly pleased with the inclusion of a performance space. It will support young start-up businesses – Cheltenham doesn’t have enough of these at present – and opens up the area, making it safer and more acceptable – it is brilliant.
JP: without any doubt, this is a win-win situation. Cheltenham definitely needs an innovation hub to support young businesses. Really admires the contrast between modern design and the medieval minster and the way they complement each other. Compliments the architects for this.
BF: Environmental Health raised the issue that the current plans show a lightweight roof construction, but also include a load of solar panels Will the ships containers – which are basically tin boxes – be able to take the weight? Has this been addressed?
DB: agrees that the design and the use to which it will be put is really good. Would just ask about sound proofing – if events are really noisy late in the evening or into the early morning, there could be problems. Also questions the parking situation – does this mean there is going to be a loss of parking spaces in Cheltenham generally? GCC staff are going to park elsewhere, which means that parking spaces elsewhere in the town will be lost – this is a problem.
PB: it’s important when good schemes come forward that we pay tribute in the same way that we slam appalling ones. This is exciting and innovative - recycling at the extreme, using single-use shipping containers, which are redundant after one journey, to help create jobs for young people. Renewable energy features are included, and in view of the climate emergency, anything which combats it is good to take on board. This is a fantastic scheme; is delighted to support it.
SC: this is an excellent proposal, and just what town needs. Small start-up businesses have to go to Gloucester Business Park at the moment. The re-using of shipping containers is excellent, but this is a very sensitive site – the artist’s impression is good, but the final appearance of the proposal will depend on the detailing. Have officers had reassurance that the detailing will be as good as it’s shown, and will complement the surroundings in this delicate location?
GB: this proposal is good news; agrees with all comments made so far. This sort of scheme is clearly new for Cheltenham, although it is being done elsewhere; it’s time to move forward, and this excellent scheme is the way to do it.
DO, in response:
- To BF, regarding the structural capability of the roof, this will need to be assessed by building control officers;
- To DB, sound-proofing is also part of building control, but there is also a condition to control any events taking place at night;
- Regarding parking, this is quite complicated, like moving jigsaw pieces. If the county council staff move to St George’s Road as planned, they will clearly use some of the existing spaces there. CBC officers enjoy parking permits in different parts of town, Chelt Walk being the closest and most popular. The idea is that if parking becomes a problem, CBC parking permits will be moved to less popular carparks, to free up space for shoppers etc. The applicant has undertaken a parking survey between 10am and 2pm and found spaces in car parks close to the application site. Both the county and borough councils are satisfied with this. In addition, this is a town centre location, close to bus routes and providing space for storing bikes;
- To SC, regarding detailing, Condition 7 is concerned with external colour finishes, which will need to be provided prior to development. We know what the materials will be, so the important question will be ensuring the colour scheme is correct. Officers feel enough detail has been submitted to make a judgement.
DS: regarding PB’s comment, hadn’t realised the shipping containers were used for one journey only. Will this affect the estimated lifespan of the development?
DO, in response:
- doesn’t know the answer to that.
SW: in New Zealand, the shipping containers were put up after the 2011 earthquake, and are still going strong 7-8 years later, looking in good condition. This would suggest that their lifespan is reasonable.
GB: is reminded of pre-fabs – these were intended to be lived in for a couple of years after the war and are still going strong. Is not saying these are comparable but it is a lesson!
Vote of officer recommendation to permit
13 in support – unanimous
Supporting documents:
- Car Park, Chester Walk - officer report, item 6a PDF 543 KB
- Car Park, Chester Walk - representations, item 6a PDF 3 MB
- Officer Update Report, item 6a PDF 26 KB