Agenda item
Financial outturn 2018/19 and Budget Monitoring Report April - June 2019
Report of the Cabinet Member Finance
The Cabinet Member Finance introduced the Financial Outturn 2018/19 and Budget Monitoring Report April-June 2019 and made a short statement, both of which are attached here as an appendix.
The Mayor thanked the Cabinet Member Finance for her contribution. One Member asked whether Appendix 11 of the report, relating to the council’s debt, referred to a monthly or annual figure. The Cabinet Member Finance undertook to provide a more detailed response subsequent to the meeting.
A member also queried the figures on the council’s investments, particularly why the capital amounts had fallen by more than the amounts received, and asked why losing money was being presented as a positive. The Cabinet Member Finance responded that these investments were long-term and faced peaks and troughs, but that she expected to see significant returns over a longer period of time. In any event, the current return was over and above any bank rate.
Members praised the good work of the finance team within a difficult and uncertain economic context.
- That Council receives the financial outturn performance position for the General Fund, summarised at Appendix 2, and notes that services have been delivered within the revised budget for 2018/19 resulting in a saving (after carry forward requests) of £40,377.
That furthermore Council:
- Approves £18,300 of carry forward requests (requiring member approval) at Appendix 5.
- Approves the use of the budget saving of £40,377 as detailed in Section 3.
- Notes the annual treasury management report at Appendix 7 and note the actual 2018/19 prudential and treasury indicators.
- Notes the capital programme outturn position as detailed in Appendix 8 and approve the carry forward of unspent budgets into 2019/20 (section 7) and approves the virement of budgets in 2019/20 as set out in paragraphs 7.2 to 7.3.
- Notes the position in respect of Section 106 agreements and partnership funding agreements at Appendix 9 (section 9).
- Notes the outturn position in respect of collection rates for council tax and non-domestic rates for 2018/19 in Appendix 10 (section 10).
- Notes the outturn position in respect of collection rates for sundry debts for 2018/19 in Appendix 11 (section 11).
- Receives the financial outturn performance position for the Housing Revenue Account for 2018/19 in Appendices 12 to 13 (as detailed in Section 12) and approves the carry forward, virement and reclassification of budgets in 2019/20 as set out in paragraphs 12.8 to 12.10.
- Notes the budget monitoring position to the end of June 2019 (section 13).
Supporting documents:
- 2019_07_09_Cabinet_Financial_Outturn_2018_19_and__budget_monitoring_to_June_2019, item 9. PDF 330 KB
- 2019_07_09_Cabinet_Financial_Outturn_Copy of Appendix 2 - Summary outturn performance position 2018-19, item 9. PDF 252 KB
- 2019_07_09_Financial_Outturn_Copy of Appendix 3 - GF Revenue Outturn 2018-19 (2), item 9. PDF 371 KB
- 2019_07_09_Cabinet_Financial_Outturn_Appendix 4 - Significant variances 18-19, item 9. PDF 102 KB
- 2019_07_09_Cabinet_Financial_Outturn_Copy of Appendix 5 - Carry forward requests 18-19, item 9. PDF 134 KB
- 2019_07_09_Financial Outturn_Copy of Appendix 6 - Reserve Statement 2018-19, item 9. PDF 207 KB
- 2019_07_09_Financial_Outturn_Appendix 7 -Treasury Management Outturn Report 2018-19, item 9. PDF 367 KB
- 2019_07_09_Financial_Outturn_Copy of Appendix 8 - Capital Programme Actual 2018-19 - Revised 2019-20, item 9. PDF 174 KB
- 2019_07_09_Financial_Outturn_Copy of Appendix 9 -Section 106 receipts statement 2018-19 with wards, item 9. PDF 38 KB
- 2019_07_09_Financial_Outturn_Copy of Appendix 10 - CTAX NNDR Monitoring - 31.03.2019, item 9. PDF 10 KB
- 2019_07_09_Financial_Outturn_Copy of Appendix 11 - Aged Debt Report 31-3-19, item 9. PDF 303 KB
- 2019_07_09_Cabinet_Financial_Outturn_Appendix 12 - HRA Outturn 2018-19, item 9. PDF 92 KB
- 2019_07_09_Cabinet_Financial_Outturn_Appendix 13 - HRA Outturn 2018-19, item 9. PDF 92 KB
- 2019_07_22_Financial Outturn Report_Cllr Hay Statement, item 9. PDF 127 KB