Agenda item
19/00431/FUL - Monkscroft Villas, Princess Elizabeth Way, Cheltenham
Officer introduction
CH introduced the application as above, situated in Princess Elizabeth Way in West Cheltenham, currently occupied by a residential two-storey terrace of three empty houses with gardens to the rear, together with some derelict outbuildings (part of an old council depot site) and mature trees and shrubs. It is adjacent to Pinewood Drive, a residential area of two- and three-storey properties, with green space to the south, and Hesters Way Park to the north. On the east side are four-storey flats facing Princess Elizabeth Way. The application proposes demolition of all the existing buildings and construction of two four-storey apartment blocks to the south side (18 x 1-bed and nine 2-bed), and two 2-bed semi-detached houses with car parking to the north. Cheltenham Borough Homes has guaranteed a minimum of 60% affordable units. The application is at committee because CBH owns the lands. Two sets of revised plans have been provided, to address highways concerns and general layout and design issues. The recommendation is to permit.
As an update, having studied to plans at length, a small correction is needed – there is a slight anomaly due to the scale being slightly different. Refers members to the dimensions set out in paragraph 6.8 on Page 62 of the report – 5.8m should be 7m, and 10m should be 13m – setting the building further from boundary.
Similarly, at paragraph 6.16, 5.8m should be 7m, 10m should be 13.4m, 19.5m should be 24.4m.
Public speaking
Alison Salter, on behalf of Cheltenham Borough Homes
This redevelopment began 12 months as part of a wider programme to make best use of council assets to provide much-needed affordable housing in the borough, There are currently 2500 people on waiting list, 2000 of whom need 1-2 bedrooms. The proposals provide a mixed tenure scheme, of 20 affordable rent flats, five private rented flats, and two shared ownership houses.
There is a significant need for this type of housing, and throughout the pre-app and planning process, CBH has responded to the sensitivities of the site, including the relationship of the proposed flats with existing dwellings, landscaping and parking considerations. CBH has tried to overcome concerns of residents of Pinewood Drive, by amending the plans twice, resulting in the loss of two dwellings, thus allowing the block of flats to be stepped back from Pinewood Drive. Window detailing has also been amended, the roof terrace reduced in size and repositioned to front Princess Elizabeth Way, to retain privacy of adjoining dwellings. Apologises for the errors in the report with the scale of the drawings – will review this with the architect and update the plans accordingly
CBH engaged an arboriculturalist to work with the senior trees officer in reviewing the proposed landscaping strategy. This is currently out to tender for a landscape architect, and a detailed plan will be discussed and agreed with CBC in due course. Concerns with parking provision are noted, particularly in relation to the proximity of the site to GCHQ which causes additional pressure. CBH has a strong housing management presence in the area, and will manage the parking through installation of bollards or a secure controlled vehicular gate to ensure that parking spaces are only used by residents.
Notes that the Civic Society comments in the officer report, but in a separate discussion and presentation, the Civic Society representative praised the scheme for its architecture, flexibility, layout, mixed tenure and environmental provision.
In summary, this is a deliverable, policy-compliant scheme, predominantly for affordable housing, which has the support of the case officer and statutory consultees.
Member debate
SW: understands that it is not normal to speak in favour of an officer recommendation, but is very familiar with this site which is situated in his own ward. Members will know that he has commented many times that the Pinewood Drive estate is an excellent example of how not to design a site, but by contrast, has always been impressed by the CBH developments in his ward and has total confidence in the applicant. This is really good use of the land, and will therefore be voting wholeheartedly in favour of the application.
BF: referring to the details of CH’s introduction, on planning view, stood in the garden in Pinewood Drive – had recollection that new building would be 13m from there back?
CH, in response:
- yes, 13.8 m set back.
PB: this is a fantastic and much-needed scheme - congratulations to the architect and to CBH. Notes that some trees may be lost which is regrettable, but that there will be a condition to ensure a soft landscaping scheme and replacement trees.
MC: agrees that this is a good scheme, likes the design and the addition of much-needed housing in that part of town. Has just one slightly negative point – is concerned about the errors regarding the dimensions and percentages – this is particularly important with regard to affordable housing. Applicants need to be sure to have the correct information before coming to committee to debate.
Vote on officer recommendation to permit:
14 in support – unanimous
Supporting documents:
- Officer Report, item 21. PDF 306 KB
- Monkscroft Villas - representations, item 21. PDF 23 KB
- Officer Update Report, item 21. PDF 77 KB
- Monkscroft Villas - additional representation 24th May, item 21. PDF 15 KB