Agenda item
Strand and Cambray Place Improvements - Project Initiation Document
Project Initiation Document (Ken Dale, Townscape Manager)
Ken Dale, the Interim Townscape Manager wished to provide an update on the project given the progress that had been made since his last update, in January. Most significantly, the overall approach had changed, with focus moving from Boots Corner, instead to the Strand and Cambray Place (as shown on the map at Appendix A), an area which required the most improvement in terms of safety and drainage, as well as visually. Key points within the update included:
- There had been a question mark as to whether the government moratorium on the design of new shared space applied to the Strand and Cambray Place, but Gloucestershire County Council (GCC) had now confirmed that this was not in fact the case and as such, the project was now able to progress.
- The Lead Contractor, Wilmott Dixon, had been appointed and an external Project Manager, along with a Quantity Surveyor, would be appointed soon.
- The committee were reminded that GCC were part funding the project, with £1m over four years and were fundamental to the success of the project as the Highways Authority.
- A small contribution to the cost of the project had been secured from the European Regional Development Fund by way of match funding for the bio-diversity to be introduced.
- Part of the learning following phase one (Rodney Road and Cambray Place) of the project, had been the need to liaise more closely with utilities companies.
- A Stakeholder Group had been established, which included, businesses, Task Force and GCC, amongst others and was being supported by the BID.
· Regular consultation would take place with the Accessibility Forum.
- The contactors were aware of the ambition to be on site by autumn and with this in mind, time was of the essence. There are several risks which could delay the beginning of works.
The following responses were given to member questions:
· The Regent Arcade were not local to the area included in this phase, but had been included in the Stakeholder Group at the request of the BID.
· Discussions with Ubico in relation to maintenance and cleansing were ongoing.
· The Interim Townscape Manager had recently written an article for the BID newsletter regarding the works in the hope of getting buy-in and support from businesses.
· The area that had been unreachable in the works undertaken during 2018 (due to scaffold) would be revisited and the owners would pay the additional costs incurred as a result of having to return, and undo some elements which had already been completed. The standard of finishes from the previous improvements would be replicated in this phase.
· Cycling safety on Bath Road was an issue for GCC as the Highways Agency.
· Safety issues in terms of bollards, was something that was being considered but would require more research.
· Cheltenham benefited from parks and gardens across the town but there was less in the Town Centre and the funding from Europe would be used to create elements of biodiversity in this area.
· There was no guarantee that GCC would never again use tarmac to undertake repairs, but it was suggested that these would only ever be temporary and to this end GCC would be provided with a store of materials.
· The Leader advised the committee that in the region of 94 agencies had the right to dig up the high street, that his understanding of the law was that these agencies then had 6 months to reinstate and it would be for the Highways Authority to enforce this. Officers were not aware of any powers held by CBC to force utilities companies to move services into a shared conduit.
· A Stakeholder Group would be set-up for the Boots Corner phase of works, but only once any detailed design work had been begun, and this would likely be next year (2020).
· Some semi-mature trees would be used but when these were actually planted would depend on the time of year and conditions.
Supporting documents: