Agenda item

19/00388/FUL, Berkhampstead School, Pittville Circus Road, Cheltenham


Application Number:



Berkhampstead School


Erection of a timber framed building within the school grounds for use as a ‘wellbeing pod’



Officer Recommendation:


Committee Decision:


Letters of Rep:


Update Report:



BH: Introduced the application as above, he explained that the application sought to erect a timber framed building at Berkhampstead School. It would be located on the land between Hewlett Road and the side elevation of the school that faces on to Cleeview Road. He advised that it would be located in Cheltenham’s Central Conservation Area and was intended to be a wellness pod for school students. It was at committee at the request of Councillor Wilkinson and the officer recommendation was to refuse.

Miss Bareham, on behalf of the applicant, in support

Miss Bareham believed that the proposal for a ‘wellebing pod’ would not impact anyone negatively. She stressed that there would be no noise or visual impact to neighbours and it would be screened from view by existing trees and bushes, that would all remain as the building would be suspended on piles, therefore avoiding tree roots. She highlighted that it would be single storey and next to a busy road, which in itself is not in the conservation area. She advised that they had written to all off the surrounding neighbours and had received no objections. She advised that the building would be high quality design and fully functioning room with lighting and underfloor heating. Inside would be resources to support children’s mental health, which she highlighted is vital to the future mental health of Cheltenham and an extremely important priority of the school. SH reasoned that the pod was necessary as an office or classroom can be uncomfortable as it can lead to many interruptions. She informed the committee that the space would also be use as a quiet space at playtime for children with sensory issues and those who find social interaction difficult. She highlighted that the children and parents had raised over £10,000 to fund the pod themselves.

AH: Could not see why they would refuse the application and suggested they move straight to the vote.

PB: Reasoned that officers had made an on balance decision and they should consider the reasons.

RH: Highlighted that the music block which was not aesthetically pleasing and visible from the road and that had been granted permission. Similarly there had been no objection from neighbours and she felt that they had made best use of the site. However, she requested a condition be imposed  to ensure that no trees were to be removed. 

SW: Agreed that the addition of the wellness pod was a good facility for the school. However, had slight concerns about the size of the plot and the possibility of erecting the structure without removing trees.

BF: Highlighted that the site is already crowded and located in a central conservation area.

MC: Agreed that mental health and wellbeing of young people were vitally important and should be supported, however, from a planning perspective he did not think the structure met the standards that it should.

DS: Queried whether the structure would have water and heating and suggested a  condition be imposed to so that it doesn’t end up being over developed from what the committee had been presented with. 

DB: Agreed that children’s wellbeing was vitally important and could see the benefits of the building. Requested assurance that the trees would not be affected given the size of the space available.

PB:  Highlighted that there were already 3 buildings of similar size on site and felt this structure was screened by trees. He felt that the positive benefits far outweighed any potential negatives and agreed with a condition being imposed that ensure the trees remain.

AH: Acknowledged that the development is located in the conservation and there are issues around the retention of trees, however, reasoned that the benefits should be carefully considered.

Vote on officer recommendation to refuse

6 in support

7 in objection



DO: Suggested the following reasons for overturning the officers recommendation:

-       The committee found the proposal had an acceptable impact on the conservation area;

-       The structure is well screened by existing vegetation; and

-       Is of benefit to the school and its community.

He further suggested the following conditions be imposed:

-       The number of years the consent  is valid for;

-       The plans need to be in accordance with;

-       The final finish and material details to be provided;

-       A tree protection methodology to be submitted and approved by the authority prior to the commencement of works.

Vote on reasons for deviating from officers recommendation

9 in support

3 in objection

1 abstention



Supporting documents: