Agenda item

Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle policy for Hackney Carriages

An information/discussion paper on the consultation. The Cabinet Member Development and Safety Councillor McKinlay and Gary Knight, Chairman of the Cheltenham Hackney Carriage Association will be in attendance.


The Chair introduced this item as a follow up to the resolutions agreed at the Overview and Scrutiny call in which was heard on 28 March 2018. 


The Chair invited the Cabinet Member Development and Safety and the Business Support and Licensing Team Leader to introduce the information/discussion paper which had been circulated with the agenda.  The Licensing Team Leader highlighted the following points and invited questions:


·         The new taxi and private hire licensing policy, approved by Cabinet on 6 March 2018, states that all licensed Hackney Carriage vehicles are to be wheelchair accessible by 2021.

·         The Cabinet decision was supported by the Overview and Scrutiny call in on 28 March 2018 with the caveat that further constructive consultation take place with taxi drivers regarding appropriate mitigation issues

·         Four meetings have taken place between offices and members of the local taxi association.  It proved challenging to find any middle ground for discussion given the taxi drivers’ strength of feeling.

·         It was agreed that a number of practical issues, including the proposed specification for wheelchair accessible vehicles, would be subject to Cabinet approval in November, as detailed in the information/discussion paper.


Members raised the following questions and issues:


·         Is the policy we are pursuing in line with neighbouring authorities?   It was confirmed that no other local authority within Gloucestershire is applying the same policy

·         In response to a question regarding Hackney Carriage vehicles licensed elsewhere, the Licensing Team Leader explained that in this case they would only be able to operate as a private hire vehicle in Cheltenham

·         A member asked if a response had been received from Alex Chalk MP and Laurence Robertson MP requesting them to raise the matter with government and to ask when the minister would be clarifying government policy on this issue.   No response had been received; the Chair requested that the  Democratic Services officer follow up on this.

·         In response to a question regarding taxi provision for the frail elderly, The Cabinet Member Development and Safety stated that Government research indicated that the majority who benefit from wheelchair accessible vehicles is the frail elderly


The Chair asked whether it is clear that there is a need for all Hackney Carriages to be wheelchair accessible and whether  the relevant legislation covering this is the Equality Act 2010.  In response, the Cabinet Member Development and Safety  stated that there is no national requirement but that this council has taken the decision to have wheelchair accessible vehicles by 2021.


The Chair invited Gary Knight, Chairman of the Cheltenham Hackney Carriage Association to respond.  Mr Knight emphasised that there is no government legislation which compels all Hackney Carriages to be wheelchair accessible and that drivers remain aggrieved that this is being implemented by the Council.  Mr Knight also outlined the cost implications of licensed Hackney Carriage drivers to change to private hire.  He also stressed that his Association feel strongly that there is no requirement for 100% of Hackney Carriages to be wheelchair accessible as there is no demonstrable need for this, particularly as Cheltenham currently has the highest proportion of wheelchair accessible vehicles in the county.


Mr Knight stated that S160, S161 and S164 of the Equalities Act 2010 are prospective and therefore not currently legislatively actionable by the council.  Mr Knight emphasised that it is important that the council is fully aware of this.


Following further discussion, the Chair closed the item by expressing his genuine hope that constructive discussions will continue between the council and the members of the Cheltenham Hackney Carriage Association. 







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