Agenda item

18/01630/FUL Unit 30, Regent Arcade


Application Number:



Regent Arcade  


Alterations to, and conversion of, Unit 30 to create 3no. ground floor restaurants (Class A3), 1no. ground floor retail unit (Class A1), and 1no. basement leisure operation unit (Class D2). Demolition of existing rooftop conservatory and erection of 1no. two storey rooftop restaurant (Class A3) with a new street level entrance from Regent Street. Installation of rooftop plant. New repurposed entrance to the car park with vertical access and new passenger lift. Alterations to the Ormond Place entrance together with works to the public realm along part of Regent Street and Ormond Place to include resurfacing works and raising the carriageway to provide a shared surface for vehicles and pedestrians and installation of associated street furniture.



Officer Recommendation:


Committee Decision:


Letters of Rep:


Update Report:

Officer Update Report


MP introduced the application as above. It is at the committee as the request of Councillor Sudbury and the recommendation is to permit.

Public Speaking:

Mr Bell, Architect, in support

Provided an overview of the proposed development on behalf of the Regent Arcade Trust and landlords of the shopping centre. He advised that the property had been vacant since July 2016 following the demise of BHS. He acknowledged the problems being experienced by traditional High Street retailers and the strategic shift in the shopping habits of potential customers. Thus, he explained that Town centres needed to develop a broader mix of uses to continue to be attractive to customers. The proposal comprises three elements, namely the sub-division of the BHS premises, a new entrance feature to Regent Arcade and a new public realm design to improve pedestrian access along Ormond Place and Regent Street. The division of Unit 30 would provide 3 restaurants facing Regent Street, a part ground floors and basement 6 screen cinema and a rooftop restaurant together with a circa 80000 sq ft A1 retail unit within regent Arcade shopping mall. The elevation facing Regent Street would provide an attractive, open and lively façade with external seating and planting on the pavement. He explained that the new Ormond Place entrance would have a stone portico framing a double height glazed window feature. This would provide a focal point from the Promenade and improve customer flow to the existing Ormond Place and Regent Street retailers. The new public realm works would also provide a pedestrian level access from the Promenade to Ormond Place which would vastly improve accessibility. Mr Bell advised that they had worked closely with Cheltenham planners and Gloucester Highways in developing the application and confirmed that they agreed with all the proposed conditions, except for Condition 7 which referred to opening hours. He explained that restricting closing hours to 11:00pm would inhibit his client’s ability to attract tenants to the newly created unit, and prevent legal tenancy agreements being completed. This would be particularly evident in the case of the cinema who may wish to do late screenings. He, therefore, requested that consideration be given to removing the restriction and instead require the applicant to obtain permission for specific opening hours on a unit by unit basis. The proposal, if approved, would enhance the townscape of Cheltenham, add to its vitality and provide an estimated 200 full and part-timejobs.


Councillor Sudbury, in support

She confirmed that she had asked for the application to come before the committee as it had been requested by a member of the public. She explained that she welcomed the development to the Regent Arcade which she believed would give a new lease of life to the currently vacant space. The new cinema, in particular, would diversify the leisure offer. She hoped that the licensing decision to renew the Flower man’s licence would not affect the developers desire to occupy the space. She requested that a condition be applied which states that all public realm improvements must be completed before the new businesses open to thepublic.


GB: Had been approached by the applicant to attend a meeting, however, had declined due to his role on the committee. Reminded the committee that the officer’s recommendation was topermit.


MC: Advised that at a recent meeting of the licensing sub-committee they had granted the Flower Man the right to stay at his current location on Ormond Place. Similarly, Aqua Vitae had been granted permission to place table and chairs on the highway outside their premises during the day. He queried what the implications of the two licensing decisions were on planning?


GB: Welcomed the development as the wall down the side of Regent Arcade was unsightly. He queried how wide the pavement was as he believed it to be narrower than that shown on the artist impressions.


DP: Thanked regent Arcade for the welcome development which was contributing to the Council’s place making strategy. He hoped a comprise was reached on condition 7 in relation to opening hours as he believed the restaurant/cinema offer were a valuable contribution to the night time economy.


DS: Queried whether the construction and demolition period of the development would impact on the customers of Aqua Vitae who had recently been granted permission to put table and chairs in the area immediately outside the RegentArcade.


SC: Hoped that if the widening of the pavement was to take away cycling provisions more would be reinstated elsewhere.

MP in response:

-       Licensing was a separate entity and as set out in the update report the location of seating and planters had not yet beenfinalised.

-       The applicant could apply to vary the opening hours condition in the future once the end users areknown

-       Whilst part of the entrance to the Arcade may need to be closed during the construction and demolition process it is likely there would still be a routethrough.

-       The width of pavement not obstructed by tables and chairs would be 2.1metres.

-       The same numbers of cycling spaces were beingproposed.


DP: Noted that the applicants were still unhappy with condition 7 and requested that this condition be deferred for further discussion between the Arcade and officers.

SM in response:

-       Suggested that the wording of condition 7 be amended to say that the pre-occupation condition would be agreed and dealt with byofficers.

Vote on officer recommendation to amend the condition

12 in support – unanimous

Vote on officer recommendation to permit

12 in support – unanimous







Supporting documents: