Agenda item
Application for permission to place an object on the Highway
S.Rouse & Co, 99 Gloucester Road, Cheltenham GL51 8NG
The Licensing officer introduced the report, he explained that an application had been made to place an advertising board on the highway outside S.Rouse & Co, which was located at 99 Gloucester Road, Cheltenham, GL51 8NG.
He confirmed that S.Rouse & Co were proposing to place the board on the highway from 09:00-17:00 Monday – Saturday.
The Licensing Officer advised the committee that the location plan was attached at Appendix A of the report, a photo of the location was included at Appendix B and a photo of the A-board at Appendix C.
An objection had been received from a CBC Planning Enforcement Officer due to the fact that the height of the board exceeded the size dimensions approved in the council’s Street Scene Policy and due to the fact that the premises had space on its large forecourt to display the board.
In light of this, the Licensing Officer advised the sub-committee that they could either:
- Approve the application because Members were satisfied that the location is suitable; or
- Refuse the application because it does not comply with the provisions of the adopted Street Scene policy.
Following questioning, the Licensing Officer confirmed that:
- The size restrictions imposed on A-boards was outlined in the Council’s outdoor advertising protocol, which had been in place for many years.
- That there were restrictions on premises with street frontages being allowed A-boards, however, this only applied to those in the town centre and S.Rouse fell just outside of this zone.
During the debate the Members made the following observations:
- That under the definition of ‘premises’ S.Rouse’s land actually extended beyond the forecourt to the pavement and so one Member felt it was in their rights to place it there if they so wished.
- Concerns were raised over the fact that the A-board was on wheels and so could potentially roll down the street or into the road.
- Several Members agreed that given the size of the forecourt the company had enough room to place it there and that by placing it on the pavement would just cause unnecessary clutter on the highway.
- Some Members felt that A-boards were only really necessary on properties which were down alleyways and wouldn’t get any passing trade and the fact S.Rouse was located on a main busy road meant it would get a lot of passing trade.
- One Member questioned whether it was a dropped kerb outside of the premises. Following further investigation, the Licensing Officer confirmed that it was.
- Members felt concerned that by granting this application it would set a precedent for other businesses in the area.
The Members proceeded to vote on section 1.5.1 to ‘approve the application because Members are satisfied that the location is suitable’
Upon a vote it was 0 for and 7 against.
The committee then voted on section 1.5.2 to ‘refuse the application because it does not comply with the provisions of the adopted Street Scene policy’
Upon a vote it was 6 for and 1 Member abstained. against.
Resolved that
The application be refused because it does not comply with the provisions of the adopted Street Scene policy.
Supporting documents:
- Report, item 8. PDF 82 KB
- Appendix A, item 8. PDF 991 KB
- Appendix B, item 8. PDF 1 MB
- Appendix C, item 8. PDF 2 MB