Agenda item

Tourism and Marketing Strategy

Report of the Tourism and Marketing Working Party


The Assistant Director Wellbeing and Culture introduced the report as circulated with the agenda. 


She explained that the 2009/10 Business Plan had included a milestone to develop a Tourism and Marketing Strategy.  At that time, a working group was established and included Councillors Rawson, Ryder and co-optee Karl Hemming from this committee and Councillors Cooper and Stennett from the Economy and Business Improvement O&S Committee. 


The Strategy had come before both committees, prior to consultation with stakeholders and had been due to come before the committee again in September 2010. 


However, during this time, there were a number of Government announcements and it was felt appropriate to await further announcements and decisions and she hoped that members understood and accepted the reasons for the delay. 


Section 2 of the report detailed the progress made to date.


Councillor Rawson introduced himself as the Chair of the working group and advised members that he was speaking in his capacity as the Chair of the working group and a former member of the committee, rather than in his current role as a Cabinet Member. 


He too hoped that Members understood the reasons for the delay but stressed that work had continued.  The strategy had helped populate the Corporate Plan and improvements had been made to the website, which could in part explain the increase from 500,000 hits last year to 1 million at this time.


During their research the working group had reviewed a policy from 2005 which was nothing more than a list of growth bids, clearly the position had changed and the strategy had to be more than simply a ‘shopping list’.


The strategy sought growth within current resources and took consideration of announcements that Visit Britain would have funds made available to them to promote tourism and the fact that Civic Pride was being taken forward in the town.


Previous comments made by members of this committee and E&BI were about the action plan, which members felt was unconvincing given it was not linked to the Corporate Plans. 


The key had been identifying things that could be slotted into current resources and budgets and taking account of the current economic situation.


Councillor Rawson invited questions and comments from members of the committee.


Councillor Driver highlighted that whilst the booming night-time economy was positive for some, it was not for others and queried how much it cost to address any issues that were a result (litter, vandalism, etc).  She queried why Officers were no longer attending the Town Centre meetings, where such queries were being raised. 


The Assistant Director Wellbeing and Culture would investigate why Officers were no longer attending these meetings and seek a resolution for Councillor Driver.


The Chairman proposed that the action plan should be reviewed by the committee in September 2011. 


As there were no further questions or comments the Chairman moved to accept the recommendation.


Upon a vote it was unanimously


RESOLVED that the Marketing and Tourism Strategy be approved for consideration by Cabinet.

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