Agenda item

Recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) regarding Members' Scheme of Allowances

Report of the Chief Executive


The Democratic Services Manager introduced the report of the panel. She explained that the panel had not carried out a full review this year but had been convened to consider various issues requested by Members and their recommendations were set out in the report.


She advised that the figures quoted in the report were based on a 1% increase in all allowances in line with the provision made for the staff settlement. In the previous week it had been announced that the increase for staff is expected to be 2% so assuming this went ahead any increases quoted would effectively be multiplied by a factor of 2 giving a total cost of the recommended increases of £6,600.


The Council was required to consider the recommendations and if acceptable to resolve to adopt them. If the Council were to reject the recommendations, the current scheme would remain in place.


The Leader thanked the IRP and supporting officer for their report and proposed to accept the recommendations as an increase in line with the staff settlement seemed appropriate.


In response to a question, the Democratic Services Manager confirmed that the basic allowance calculation assumed a voluntary contribution and without that the allowance would be in the order of £7,500. 


She also confirmed that the SRA for the Planning Committee Chair was calculated using the formula and then split between the Chair and Vice-Chair on a 2/3:1/3 basis. This was in line with the 60/40 split being recommended for Licensing Committee.  


A Member reminded Council of the Give as you Earn facility whereby any Member could make a regular donation to the Mayor’s Charity or any charity of their choice by completing a payroll deduction form available from Democratic Services. Members could also elect not to receive any particular increase.


Upon a vote the recommendations were CARRIED

Voting: For:30 with 3 abstentions


RESOLVED (unanimously) THAT

1.    The recommendations set out in the attached IRP report be adopted and

ii)    That the Basic Allowance payable to all Councillors be increased from April 2018 by a % equal to the proposed increase to staff relating to 2018/19.

iii)   That the level of all SRAs be increased by the same %.

iv)   That the allowances for Mayor and Deputy Mayor are increased by the same %

v)    That the SRA for the Licensing Committee Chair be split between the Chair and Vice-Chair on a 60/40 basis until a full evidence based review can be carried out as part of the next full review in September 2018.

vi)   That when travelling to approved duties outside of the borough using public transport all travel costs incurred within the borough can be included subject to the requirement to use the most cost effective form of travel for all journeys.

2.    It be noted that the next full review required by legislation will start in September 2018 reporting to Council in December 2018.

3.    The Democratic Services Manager be authorised to implement any necessary changes to the scheme of allowances and make any necessary changes to Council’s constitution


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