Agenda item

Place Vision

Report of the Leader


The Leader introduced the report which set out progress to date in bringing forward a place vision document for Council approval following the initial vision agreed by to Council 12 months ago. It was also acknowledged that whilst Cheltenham Borough Council would take the lead in its development, the aim was for the strategy to be owned by everyone who had a stake in the success of Cheltenham. A wide range of groups had been involved in shaping the vision to date and it was an evolving process. He wished to put on record his thanks to Richard Gibson, Strategy and Engagement Manager and his team for their contributions in driving this forward.


The Leader then highlighted that the vision, ambitions and aspirations were laid down in paragraphs 2.7, 2.9 and 2.11 of the report respectively. For each ambition and for each aspiration clear action would be proposed and local partners would now work together to develop plans for how those actions could be made into a reality. He emphasised that there were two significant actions described in the document, the commitment to building more affordable housing which was the key thrust of the Joint Core Strategy and the Cyber-park which would generate employment and opportunities in the west of Cheltenham. The council could not deliver these in isolation but could play a significant role in making this happen by working in partnership.


In terms of next steps the council’s corporate strategy would translate issues from the place vision into actions for CBC. Alongside this a place governance group which will evolve out of the existing Cheltenham Strategic Leadership Group to manage the place agenda so all parties could be involved and sign up to it.


The following points were raised and responses given:


  • Was the Leader confident that the council had the resources to deliver CBC’s contribution to deliver the place vision? In response the Leader explained that the senior officer restructure was being undertaken with this in mind and he emphasised that this was not solely a CBC vision but a partnership vision. He acknowledged that the council was ambitious and it would do whatever it could within the resources available.
  • What method would be in place to measure the success of the outcomes ? The Leader highlighted that some indicative measures were set out in the document and also clarified that this was not for CBC to define but would be discussed in partnership with those involved.
  • Could the council now progress the tourism strategy now that the place vision was submitted for council approval ? The Leader explained that the tourism strategy had not been put on hold but had been approved and Marketing Cheltenham was now up and running.
  • Various strategies had been approved over the years but there should be continuity. In response the Leader said that although not all objectives had been achieved these had been important documents that had set out strategic objectives at the time . This new vision represented an opportunity for elected member input into a new strategic document and it was right that the council took stock and reviewed every few years.
  • The inclusion of sport in the place vision was welcomed as it was felt that this had not been highlighted previously. Cheltenham had the opportunity to have an international presence in terms of sporting associations and the example was given of the water polo team and the Tour of Britain cycling event the town had hosted. There could also be opportunities for investment in the town’s football club in order to host international women’s football fixtures. The Leader commented that the term ‘culture’ encompassed sport and culture was not just focussed on the Arts.
  • Members recognised that it had not been possible to engage with many different cohorts of young people but that steps should now be taken to ensure that the voices of young people were heard as this is key for the future of the town.. It was suggested that workshops be held in secondary schools in the town to ascertain what young people wished to see in the place strategy. The Leader took this on board and recognised that schools needed to be involved in the process. Having one young person on the governance group was only one step and not a panacea.
  • Another member stated that the vision was important so that there was a focus on ensuring the town was a place where those that studied here stayed here providing there were the right jobs and the right housing and the town was vibrant and fun. Look beyond jobs and houses. He stated that the document could be construed as being middle aged and middle class and was therefore not hitting the audience it should be aimed at.
  • The EU smart cities initiative was highlighted in terms of its role in removing congestion and pollution from town centres via the creation of green corridors



An amendment was then proposed by Councillor Parsons. This was seconded by Councillor Jeffries. The amendment was to include at least one person under the age of 25 on the place governance group. The Leader agreed to accept the amendment and incorporate into the main motion.


Further comments and responses were then raised by Members:


  • It was suggested that the values were brought to the front of the document as this was fundamental to why there was a place vision. The Leader believed that the current document took the reader through a story on how to meet them. The intention was to feed thoughts on specific actions in terms of what to do as part of the process.
  • Some understood culture to be broad for whole town to engage to populate they believe it means to look forward to concrete proposals and see whether going in right direction then see exactly how it is delivered. Aim was for people throughout the town to engage-the vision was evolving. Highlighted the fact that the diagram showed how everything bit was interrelated-business and culture-mind expanded. Some Members requested the inclusion of  timescales. The Leader agreed that these could be included but this would be in consultation with all those involved who would commit to achievable timescales.
  • The visual elements of the document were welcomed by Members.
  • It was important to persuade young people that no doors were closed to them and this will be irrespective of gender.
  • A Member wished to encourage the town to be represented at the Cities and the Regions event in Brussels and suggested that the Business Improvement District fund a group of young people to be represented there
  • The town had a good future and it was important that the vision be realised so we could look back and be proud that we had made a difference
  • It was proposed that the design of the document be examined for its accessibility for those with visual impairments. The Strategy and Engagement Manager welcomed the suggestion and would investigate the possibility of having an easy-read version to accompany the version included with the council papers
  • The question was raised as to how engagement with hard to reach groups could be achieved. It was suggested that engaging with the young people involved in the Aston Project would be a good starting point. The issue of the closure of the Axiom centre was raised in terms of the loss of a valued facility for some young people. In response the Leader acknowledged its value but it had been difficult to make it financially viable and sustainable. He highlighted that the council had made investments in the Playhouse and the Wilson.



In summing up the Leader thanked Members for their comments. Work would continue on the place governance structure and making the vision work for Cheltenham as a whole.


RESOLVED (unanimously) THAT


1.    The place vision document for Cheltenham attached at appendix 2 be approved.


2.    Authority be delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council to make subsequent changes to the place strategy as a result of this Council meeting.


3.    Authority be delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council to establish a place governance group to be evolved from the existing Cheltenham Strategic Leadership Group and to include at least one person under the age of 25.


The Council adjourned at 3.55pm and resumed the meeting at 4.10 pm.

Supporting documents: