Agenda item

Petition regarding Imperial Gardens

A debate on a petition received at the last Council meeting regarding Imperial Garden’s flowerbeds


The Mayor outlined the procedure for dealing with petitions as this was the first time one had been debated at Council under the new petitions scheme. She welcomed Fiona Wild, the petition organiser, to the meeting and invited her to present the petition.


In her statement, Fiona Wild said that the Imperial Gardens were the heart of the town and the magnificent array of flowers was one of the first things people noticed when they came to Cheltenham. Whilst enjoying the gardens they also spent money in the town and boosted the local economy. Whilst attending the Literature Festival, she had heard people comment that the festival should not be allowed to become any bigger or to spread any further. The sponsors’ marquees had already caused several beds to be removed and the Festival seemed very successful as it is. If any more space were needed then Montpellier Gardens should be used. In her view the flowers in the gardens enhanced the festivals and were there all the time for people to enjoy whereas the festivals and their marquees were only there for a few weeks of the year. She praised the creativity of design in the planting which made Imperial Gardens so different from the landscaping of Montpellier Gardens. She urged Council not to destroy it through misguided short-termism but to consider how popular the flowers are and how much they add to the general ambience of the town.


The Mayor advised that she had agreed to a request from Mr David Stennett, representing the Friends of Imperial Gardens, for him to address the meeting. 


Mr Stennett expressed his concerns that the use of the gardens by the festivals was expanding to an unacceptable level.  He was also concerned about the lack of remedial work following the use of the gardens by the festivals and considered that they had been left in a shameful condition. He referred to a letter from the Chief Executive to the Friends of Imperial Gardens which had indicated that officers would be working closely with the organisers of the festival’s to achieve a balance and organise appropriate repairs. He concluded that the parks and gardens should be there for the benefit of the public and this had been enshrined in an act of Parliament for the last hundred years. 


The Mayor invited the Cabinet Member Sustainability to make a statement. He welcomed the opportunity to respond to the petitioners and said it was his intention to maintain the gardens for the public, for residents, tourists and indeed festival goers to enjoy. He acknowledged that the effect of the Festivals on the turf had been unsatisfactory and this would be addressed in 2011 in conjunction with Cheltenham Festivals.  He also intended to work with them to try and reduce the occupancy rate below the current 107 days per year.


He recognised that the Festivals provide a key and expanding part of Cheltenham’s economy and tourism. Providing a suitable venue for the Festivals was very important to the town and he acknowledged the Festivals’ needs to expand in the future. He stated that he intended there to be no change to the area of Imperial Gardens available to the Festivals in 2011.  They would be able to hire Montpellier Gardens, the details to be negotiated, and this would be very necessary in view of the Everyman Theatre not being available in 2011.


For the future, in 2012 and beyond, the use of Imperial and Montpellier Gardens would be discussed with both Cheltenham Festivals and other stakeholders.  He explained that he would be meeting with the petitioners and officers later this week and would be arranging a meeting with key stakeholders in January.


In response to the petition, he said that the Council would be retaining the flowerbeds but there may be some changes and the council would need to seek funding for any work. He concluded that the Gardens belonged to the people of Cheltenham and after listening to them, their elected representatives would make the decision based on what they believed was best for the town.


Councillor Whyborn, seconded by Councillor Surgenor, proposed the following motion:


Council recommend that Cabinet bring forward proposals to address matters in Imperial Gardens relating to Cheltenham Festivals within three months, and that any such proposals will first be the subject of consultation with the petitioners and stakeholders, and scrutiny by the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee”


Councillor Paul McLain proposed an amendment to the motion that the matter should also be subject to scrutiny by the Economy and Business Improvement Overview and Scrutiny Committee which would facilitate scrutiny of the economic aspects as well as the environmental ones.


This amendment was accepted by the proposer.


In response to a question from a member, the Cabinet Member Sustainability confirmed that the consultation with stakeholders would include Friends of the Gardens, local residents, local ward councillors, the Festivals, the Civic Society and Cheltenham in Bloom who would all be invited to the meeting he was arranging in January.


Upon a vote the motion as amended was agreed unanimously.


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