Agenda item
Office of Surveillance Commissioners - RIPA inspection report
Corporate Governance, Risk and Compliance Officer (see recommendations)
In the absence of the report author, the Chairman introduced the report, as circulated with the agenda. On the 1 November 2016, His Honour Norman Jones QC, Assistant Surveillance Commissioner with the Office of Surveillance Commissioners (OSC) issued his report on the inspection he had undertaken on the 19 October 2016. In his report, the Assistant Commissioner made a number of conclusions, as well as 4 recommendations which he felt would strengthen and improve the Council’s arrangements and guidance. The report confirmed that the recommendations would be met but because of other operational changes taking place following approval by Cabinet to formalise the Counter Fraud Partnership, that these should be addressed as part of the annual review of the RIPA procedures in March 2017.
A member congratulated everyone involved, in his view the OSC did not give praise easily and therefore everyone should be very pleased with the feedback that had been received.
The Counter Fraud Team Leader gave the following responses to member questions:
- Although marked as ‘official sensitive’ the report was suitable for publication, with the OSC confirming that such reports could be published if the authority wished to do so. Sensitivity had been considered in relation to the signature on the letter, which members would see had been redacted. It was an administrative error on the part of the report author that the wording ‘official sensitive’ had not also been redacted.
- It was likely that the Counter Fraud Unit would consider the use of RIPA more readily than the authority had in the past.
- A register of Non-RIPA investigations would be created.
- The Counter Fraud Team Leader had identified general concerns in relation to licensing of Taxi drivers and felt that more checks could be undertaken in this area and this would include the application of RIPA / non-RIPA investigations where applicable. The concerns raised by members would be taken on board when reviewing this area.
- Training had been provided for all Senior Responsible Officers and Authorising Officers across the region. Pat Pratley (Head of Paid Service), Tim Atkins (Managing Director – Place and Economic Development) and Mike Redman (Director of Environment) attended. Further training would be rolled out to all enforcement staff to help identify possible improvements to any services.
The Chairman permitted Councillor Whyborn, as Cabinet Member Corporate Services, to address the committee. He confirmed that he had sought the same assurances as this committee in relation to the perceived reluctance of Officers to use the RIPA powers available to them, which had recently grown to include telephone and email. He had been assured that RIPA along with a great many other regulatory powers were considered in the context of all identified risks.
The committee would look forward to considering the management responses to the OSC report in March 2017, when it undertook its annual review of the RIPA procedures.
Upon a vote it was unanimously
RESOLVED that having considered the findings and recommendations within the OSC report, the committee agree that the recommendations and any resulting management responses be considered as part of the Annual Review of the RIPA Policies at the March 2017 Audit Committee meeting.
Supporting documents:
- 2017_01_11_AUD_RIPA_report, item 8. PDF 100 KB
- 2017_01_11_AUD_RIPA_OSC LETTER AND REPORT, item 8. PDF 12 MB