Agenda item

Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel

Report of the Democratic Services Manager


The Democratic Services Manager introduced the report of the panel. She explained that the panel had not carried out a full review this year but had been convened to consider recommendations arising from the review by internal audit and the level of increase of allowances for April 2017 onwards. In particular the IRP had noted Council’s ongoing preference to link any future increases to the local government pay settlement and were happy if Council wanted to adopt this alternative index in the future. On that basis the panel were proposing a 1% increase to the Basic Allowance, SRAs and the civic allowances and the recommendations were set out in the report.


The Council was required to consider the recommendations and if acceptable to resolve to adopt them. If the Council were to reject the recommendations,  the current scheme would remain in place.


The Leader thanked the IRP for their report and proposed to accept the recommendations. Although he understood the panel's rationale for originally linking the basic allowance to the average earnings figure in the South West, he felt the link to staff pay rises was appropriate as he would never be in a position to support a recommendation which gave an increase to Members higher than that proposed for staff. It was important to maintain the value of the Members Allowances so that people would continue to be willing to stand for Councillor and take on additional responsibilities and therefore he supported the recommendations in the report.


In response to a question, the Democratic Services Manager confirmed that one member was currently not taking their full allowance and if any Member wished to not  receive any increase they could notify Democratic Services who would advise payroll to make the necessary adjustment.


A Member spoke in support of the recommendations and felt that Members were in a difficult position when supporting recommendations of the panel and aligning it to the officers’ pay settlement was the least worst option. He reminded Members that if they did not want to take all of their allowance they could donate some of their allowance to the Mayor’s charities or a charity of their choice under the Give as you Earn scheme. 


Other Members spoke in support of the proposals and felt it was the most cost effective way in the light of the tough budgetary decisions facing the council.


Upon a vote the recommendations were carried

Voting For:30 with 3 abstentions


RESOLVED (unanimously) THAT

1.    the Basic Allowance payable to all Councillors be increased by 1% from April 2017 in line with the proposed increase to staff.

2.    the level of all SRAs be increased by 1%.

3.    the allowances for Mayor and Deputy Mayor are increased by 1%

4.    the revised Members Allowance Scheme as set out in Appendix 1 of the IRP report be adopted including the change to future indexation

5.    it be noted that  the next full review required by legislation will start in September 2018 reporting to Council in December 2018 with an intervening review each September as detailed in the scheme. 

6.    The Democratic Services Manager be authorised to implement any necessary changes to the scheme of allowances and make any necessary changes to the Council’s constitution.


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