Agenda item

16/00849/FUL 267 London Road



Application Number:



267 London Road, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham


Development of a new dwelling



Officer Recommendation:


Committee Decision:


Letters of Rep:


Update Report:

Additional representation


EP introduced the application as above. Planning permission has already been granted for a dwelling on this site which is single-storey on to London Road and two-storey at the rear due to the change in levels. This application proposes an additional storey on top of this. The building has a contemporary flat roof design which officers consider appropriate in this context bearing in mind the constraints of the site and the setback position of the dwelling in the plot. The application is at Committee due to the objection from the parish council.

Public speaking:

Mr Everitt, agent,in support

Construction of the approved two-storey dwelling commenced earlier this year; the proposed new floor will sit above the approved scheme footprint and have no greater impact with regards flooding than the consented scheme, which was accepted by the Environment Agency. There is a mains drain running through the site which has informed the lower ground floor and ground floor plan form, and a build-over agreement has been reached with Severn Trent for the proposed first floor. The initial design responded to the opportunities and constraints of the site and was later refined to address the initial comments made by the Local Authority, Parish Council and the Architects Panel. To be subservient within the street scene, the property has been set back from the pavement, with eaves level below that of the adjoining properties and the existing red brick boundary wall retained so only the proposed first floor will be visible from London Road. As a simple built form with a flat roof,  the elevation facing London Road has a similar ratio of glazing to solid wall as adjacent buildings. His company has completed many infill projects within Cheltenham -  contemporary dwellings within traditional/historic street scenes  - a number of which have received Civic Society awards. The Civic Society considers this scheme an attractive way of infilling the gap between the two existing houses. The width of the proposed first floor has been reduced to ensure a gap of 3 to 4 meters between the new dwelling and the properties on either side, and the elevations refined to provide a simpler form and cleaner lines. By setting the proposal back from the building line and ensuring the gaps to either side, the current break within the street scene can still be clearly read.  Materials used will reflect those within the locality, with the ground floor walls finished in red brick and the first floor rendered. The officer recommendation is to approve;  hopes that members will also support this subtle and considered scheme.


Member debate:

JP: Visited the site on planning view and feels that congratulations are in order to the developer and architect for a quality design on a site with frightening terrain. Aware of the views raised by objectors in relation to the front façade having an adverse impact on London Road but does not share this view. The proposal will add a level of contrast that will enhance the street scene. Fully supports the application.

MC: This is a very interesting site and a good design. Does not agree with the objectors in terms of overlooking as there are just as many windows in adjacent properties which are more likely to be bedroom windows. The neighbours to the rear will not be affected and is happy to support officer recommendation.


Vote on officer recommendation to permit:

15   in support – unanimous


Supporting documents: