Agenda item

15/01860/FUL Pittville Park



Application Number:



Pittville Park, Evesham Road, Cheltenham


Replacement of children's play park and erection of refreshment kiosk



Officer Recommendation:


Committee Decision:


Letters of Rep:


Update Report:



MJC introduced the application as above, at Committee as CBC is the landowner and applicant.  Members can see a fly-through of the scheme on screen, but this is not the actual version – it has been slightly refined since, but this is helpful to get a flavour of what is proposed and what the finished project will look like.  The recommendation is to approve.



Public Speaking:

Councillor Coleman, in support

About a year ago, had a discussion with Adam Reynolds and Malcolm Wall about an overhaul of the play area in Pittville Park, including budget consultation and what CBC would like to see at the site.  It was clear from the start of the process that the play area – the town’s central play area – needed a significant amount of updating.  Useful views about what could be done with the park led to a project brief, and with expert assistance, useful views of successful developments on similar sensitive sites at Evesham Broadway, Slimbridge, Pontypridd, Worcester, and the Lido at Fort Royal.  Most Cheltenham people have happy memories of Pittville Park as the place to go - there is evidence that some up the play equipment is 100 years old – and will recall the huge slide and iron roundabout.  These are part of the history of Pittville Park, and although it is still a well-used and much-loved area, it is time to update the play area.  In considering this, several factors have been taken into consideration:  the significant age range of children using the park – 0-14 years at least – needing a safe environment to play; the increased capacity required; the attraction of visitors to the park, as a destination; and very importantly, the need to make the play area fully accessible.  On the plans, Members can see a wheelchair roundabout, double-width slide, trampolines in the ground, musical play area, an aviary, and 14 different types of swing, all with the full support of Betteridge School, and also fully integrated in the plans so as not to be noticed.  The birds and bunnies area will also be rejuvenated, as will the refreshments kiosk.  Thanks the professional team and the Friends of Pittville, whose help and approval is reassuring.  These plans are significant, ambitious and exciting, and will bring great fun and joy to the children of Cheltenham and further afield for many years to come.  If permission is granted, work can start in January, and the new play area be ready for summer.



Member debate:

PT:  has looked at all the illustrations and the video for the park, but wonders if any thought has been given to putting the play area on the other side of Evesham Road where there is more space?  It seems to be a little bit cramped and crowded at present.  Also, a lot of parks now include equipment for older people these days – has any thought been given to something of that sort here?  Children have such a lot, and older people need exercise just as much.


KS:  this is very exciting and long overdue – some of the equipment has been there for years.  Has read the objections and suggestions that it should be positioned on the other side of the road, but considers this the right place – it is more ‘touristy’ and will be huge attraction for the town.  Considers the inclusive equipment for all abilities quite brilliant – would like to see this included in all parks.  Is only alarmed that it hasn’t been done before, but can foresee lots of fun for generations of people – well done, CBC!


HM:  shares KS’s excitement, but has one small problem:  the proposed refreshment  kiosk seems a bit bland and boring next to everything else.  This is an iconic park and deserves better.  It could be more fun than a simple wooden hut, and integrate better with the playground.  To PT, there will soon be play equipment for older people in Charlton Kings. 


BF:  this is great, and thanks to SFPlanning for work done on this.  The play equipment is good; the kiosk is OK.  Modern children have little freedom, so having a safe play area – no big slides or witch’s hat roundabouts – will be so much better.


MS:  fully supports this scheme.  Regarding the musical element mentioned by Councillor Coleman – will this be mechanical?  How will it be generated and at what volume, and will neighbours be affected by it?  Also, will appropriate steps be taken to protect the animals and birds in the aviary from the adverse effects of development going on around them


CH:  is very supportive of this – it will be an excellent play area for children.   Only looking at the drawings now, the thought occurs that in a lot school playgrounds, attention is given these days to areas of shade, and although we haven’t experienced a hot summer for a while, this could be quite an issue.  There are trees in the park and more trees being planted but these are only small.  This is an important issue these days.


CN:  fully supports the scheme.  Do we have enough parking for parents in the area, to ensure that it will be successful?


MJC, in response:

-       to PT, re the siting of the play area:  this is its natural home, a well-established area in Pittville Park for play equipment, well linked to the Pump Room and the Lake.  An alternative was not considered.  Members need to consider what is before them and consider whether it is suitable.  Officers think it is;

-       to HM, re the kiosk:  this is a valid point, but most of the budget has been spent elsewhere.  The kiosk will sit quietly behind the play equipment;

-       to MS, re the musical equipment:  the birds and bunnies are used to it, and it will be no louder than a screaming toddler!

-       to CH, re shade:  this has not been a planning consideration.  There are trees all around offering dappled shade.  Officers feel enough shade will be provided.


PT:  on Planning View, MJC made the point that the proposed play area is near a listed building and may detract from it.  Some of the equipment is 2m high and will impact on the views of the Pump Room behind.  This is why moving it to the other side of the road seems a good idea.


LS:  is fully supportive of the scheme.  Is concerned only about the aviary, which seems rather outdated.  Pittville Park is home to many birds, but keeping them in cages doesn’t seem appropriate.  Assumes this is not a planning consideration.


MJC, in response:

-       to CN, re parking:  this is a valid point, and was raised when the application was first submitted, but there is a lot of unrestricted parking in the area, it is close to the town centre and on bus routes.  This is not therefore considered a suitable ground on which to withhold permission;

-       on Planning View, suggested to Members that one thing to consider was how the proposal would impact on the Pump Room.  Looking at it from Evesham Road, it will still be visible, albeit with the play area in the foreground.  Officers don’t feel the proposal will unduly upset the setting of the listed building.  



Vote on officer recommendation to permit

15 in support – unanimous





Supporting documents: