Most planning applications received by the council
are decided by a planning officer. However, some applications are
decided at the monthly planning committee. These are usually
high-profile cases which have generated public interest.
The planning officers prepare a detailed report for
each application considered by the committee. This report
includes an assessment of the proposal, comments from consultees
(such as the Environment Agency, the local Civic Society, and
internal sources such as conservation and tree officers) and any
written submissions sent by members of the public. The report ends
with a recommendation to the members. Photographs and plans
are available to assist committee members in their considerations.
Council officers attend the meeting to advise members and to answer
any questions arising from the debates.
The committee can approve, refuse or (occasionally)
defer an application. Decision notices are issued within two
working days of the committee meeting via Public
We encourage public involvement in the planning
process and members of the public have the opportunity to put their
views on a planning proposal direct to the planning committee. The
opportunity to speak at the planning committee is in addition to
the statutory process of written submissions. One speaker in
support and one in objection is allowed to speak, in addition to
ward and parish councillors. For more information about
speaking at planning committee please read our guide on having your say at planning