Agenda and decisions

Venue: Council Chamber - Municipal Offices. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 

Note: Due to technical issues we were unable to live stream tonight's meeting of Cabinet 


No. Item




Declarations of interest


Minutes of the last meeting pdf icon PDF 429 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on 23 July 2024.


Public and Member Questions and Petitions pdf icon PDF 477 KB

Questions must be received no later than 12 noon on the seventh working day before the date of the meeting


Housing Assistance Policy pdf icon PDF 470 KB

Report of Cabinet Member for Safety and Communities

Additional documents:




1.    in accordance with the powers contained in the RRO, the discretionary funding contained within the Housing Assistance Policy, forming Appendix 4, and its publication is approved;

2.    the regular review of funding, to ensure that the council’s statutory duties are met and that available resources for discretionary expenditure are not exceeded, are approved;

3.    the annual review of the Housing Assistance Policy is approved and minor amendments will be made at the discretion of the Head of Public Protection in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member.  Any decision to withdraw the availability of discretionary grants will be the subject of a Cabinet decision and all amendments published;

4.    the contents of Appendix 5 are noted, to be debated and agreed at the DFG Forum, representing the district councils within Gloucestershire, Gloucestershire County Council, Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust.



Budget Monitoring report 2024/25 - position at 31 July 2024 pdf icon PDF 803 KB

Report of Cabinet Member for Finance and Assets

Additional documents:




-       the contents of the report are noted, including the key projected variances to the general fund and Housing Revenue Account (“HRA”) 2024/25 revenue and capital budgets approved by council on 23 February 2024 and the actions to ensure overspends are reduced as far as possible by the end of the financial year. 


Declaration of Leckhampton Hill and Charlton Kings Common as a National Nature Reserve pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Report of Cabinet Member for Waste, Recycling and Public Realm




1.    the council's application to Natural England to become an Approved Body pursuant to section 35 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 is authorised;


2.    consent is given to the designation of Leckhampton Hill and Charlton Kings Common as a National Nature Reserve;


3.       all necessary actions to facilitate the designation process in collaboration with Natural England for Leckhampton Hill and Charlton Kings Common as a National Nature Reserve are approved.



Briefings from Cabinet Members


Local Government Act 1972 - Exempt Business

The Cabinet is recommended to approve the following resolution:-


“That in accordance with Section 100A(4) Local Government Act 1972 the public be excluded from the meeting for the remaining agenda items as it is likely that, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, if members of the public are present there will be disclosed to them exempt information as defined in paragraph ?, Part (1) Schedule (12A) Local Government Act 1972, namely:



Paragraph 3; Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular

person (including the authority holding that information)


Paragraph 5; Information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings


Exempt Minutes

Exempt minutes of the meeting held on 23 July 2024.