Agenda and minutes

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Contact: Claire Morris, Democratic Services  01242 264130


No. Item


Election of Chair


Councillor Willingham was elected to act as Chair.




There were none.


Declarations of interest


There were none.


Application for a Premises Licence - Admiral, 218 High Street, Cheltenham pdf icon PDF 208 KB

Additional documents:


The Licensing Team Leader introduced the report and set out the options available to Members, highlighting the fact that no specified hours are requested in the licensing application, but Christmas Day opening will not be permitted, and that there were no representations from responsible authorities.  Advice to the applicant from environmental health officers is not relevant to the sub-committee’s consideration today.


In response to a Member question, the Licensing Team Leader confirmed that there were no representations from the police; one of the public representations makes reference to crime and disorder in the area, and it is up to Members to consider this evidence and how much weight to give it accordingly.


There were no questions from the objectors at this stage.


In response to questions from the applicant, the Licensing Team Leader confirmed that:

-       the police were notified of the application, together with other responsible authorities, and raised no objections;

-       planning permission for the change of use was granted by the Planning Inspectorate earlier this year, but planning considerations of amenity and heritage are separate matters and not relevant to the licensing application under consideration.


Statement from the objectors

The solicitor on behalf of the St Matthew’s and the Minster made the following points:

-       the objectors are seeking a refusal of the licence;

-       the application is not clear as to the total number of high-stake machines that could be installed here.  Higher stakes machines will be more attractive to vulnerable gamblers;

-       following refusal of the original planning application, which included 24-hour opening, the current opening hours (Monday to Saturday 9.00am-midnight, Sunday 10.00am-10.00pm) were granted by the planning inspector.  If Members are minded to grant the licence, requiring the licensing hours to mirror the planning application hours would mean the applicant would have to come back and request 24-hour gambling hours, rather than have an automatic right;

-       the Minster is very close, making this an unsuitable site for premises licensed for gambling; it has first-hand experience of crime and disorder in the area, with specific incidents referenced on Gloucestershire Police website, providing evidence that this is classed as a high-crime area; it is perverse to say that the crime risk is low;

-       this is a sensitive location with regard to protecting children and other vulnerable persons – in the town centre, near McDonalds and fashion outlets, YMCA, and the Saturday Kitchen operating at the Minster;

-       Betfred closes at 11.00pm, and people are likely to move on to Admiral to continue gambling if opening hours permit;

-       there are concerns about staffing numbers which appears to be a grey area.  If a single person is on duty and focussed on denying entry to children and intoxicated or homeless people, as is proposed as a control measure for anti-social behaviour, who will be looking after the gamblers?  If granted, there should be a condition for at least two members of staff to be on duty at all times, given the location and the precedent  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Briefing Notes


There were none.


Any other items the Chairman determines to be urgent and which requires a decision


There were none.