Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Municipal Offices. View directions

Contact: Claire Morris, Democratic Services  01242 264130

No. Item


Election of Chair


The Chair was elected as Cllr Dr David Willingham.


Declarations of interest


There were none.


Application for a Premises Licence - Roxy Lanes, 105 - 107 High Street, Cheltenham, GL50 1DW pdf icon PDF 343 KB

Report of the Licensing Team Leader

Additional documents:


The Licensing Team leader introduced the report as published.


There were two speakers in objection to the application, once the procedure was explained to them they made the following points:

·         The main concerns related to points 19, 20 and 21.  The core hours are a problem as the proposed Roxy Lanes hours do not fit with the definition. The letter that residents received stated that the establishment was not a night club but a bowling alley and should be the same as a theatre, other comparable sites hold licenses no later than midnight.  The brewery would be a better location for this sort of establishment.

·         The potential impact on the residents is significant, granting a licence could lead to large groups congregating outside on the street will cause disturbance to residents.

·         The entire building except the front doors is on the south based on Grosvenor Place South, the majority of the homes are listed buildings.

·         There are no through roads for taxi pick ups therefore this will cause a disturbance to residents.

·         There has already been incidents of vandalism to vehicles in the vicinity and there are concerns that if the venue was approved that this would increase.

·         The volume of the music was also cited as a concern as this would be able to be heard in the residents homes.

·         It was acknowledged that the applicant has a good business however not suitable for a residential area much more suited to  a town center location.

·         Late night licensing is already an issue in the area and there are huge concerns that this application will impact the area further.


The applicant then addressed the committee and made the following points:

·         The business has been in operation since 2013 and has thirteen sites in operation across the UK.

·         There is no dance floor in the premises and no live music after 23.00.  the business is made up of gaming 50%, 12-15% food and approx. 30% alcohol, lots of customers book in advance and there is a large amount of corporate bookings.

·         They are a premium operator and have won awards in other cities, there has been no complaints from the police with regard to the application.

·         The premises will be a competitive socializing bar, with Monday to Wednesday hours of 11.00 – midnight and then Thursday – Saturday open until 2 am.

·         There has not been any representations form the responsible authorities that were contacted.

·         Anti-social behavior has never been associated with Roxy Lanes.  The police have been liased with and any issues with the alley ways will decrease as they will be lit and there will be CCTV at the entrance and exit on the High Street.

·         The hours that are being requested are standard Roxy Lane hours and the hours are less than standard town centre hours.  The busiest times are normally between 16.00 -21.00 so there will not be a situation of a mass exodus if these hours are granted.


The matter then went to Member questions and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Any other items the Chairman determines to be urgent and which requires a decision


There were none.