Agenda and minutes

Venue: Pittville Room - Municipal Offices

Contact: Sophie McGough, Democracy Officer 

No. Item




No apologies were received.


Declarations of interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Licensing Act 2003: Determination of an application to vary a premises licence pdf icon PDF 124 KB

Moran’s, 123-129 Bath Road, Cheltenham


Additional documents:


The Chair welcomed the group. In attendance was Mr Beano Moran, the applicant, James Goddard, an employee of Moran’s and Mr and Mrs Savell who live in the premises next door to Moran’s.

The Licensing Officer proceeded to introduce the report. He explained that an application had been made under the Licensing Act 2003 to vary a premises licence in respect of Moran’s 123-129 Bath Road, Cheltenham. He explained that a copy of the application was attached at Appendix A and a copy of the existing licence at Appendix B. He informed Members that the application was to approve revised plans of the premises reflecting changes to the courtyard and conservatory, the revised plans were attached at Appendix C of the report. He advised that Moran’s were proposing to shorten their opening hours and to add the exhibitions of films as a licensable activity.

The Licensing officer explained that 9 responsible authorities had been consulted as required for applications for premises licences. Those statutory consultees were outlined at paragraph 3.1 of the report and that the Senior Environmental Health Officer’s comments were attached at Appendix D. He advised that representations had been received from  properties in the vicinity of the premises. These representations were highlighted at Appendix E of the report.

In light of this, the sub-committee were reminded that they could

·           Grant the application subject to such conditions as the sub-committee considers appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives; or

·           Refuse all or part of the application.

Members were reminded that they were required to determine an application with a view to promoting the 4 licensing objectives:

·           The prevention of crime and disorder;

·           Public safety;

·           The prevention of public nuisance; and

·           The protection of children from harm.

Following questioning, the Licensing Officer informed the sub-committee that from a licensing point of view no objections had been received from the statutory consultees. He explained that if, for example, there had been an incident of public nuisance which could be directly attributed to licensable activities at the premises then the police would have made them aware of this during the consultation period.

The applicant was then invited to give a statement in support of his application. He informed the sub-committee that:

·           Moran’s had been trading for over 30 years.

·           There had been numerous changes to premises on Bath Road in that time. Including that of Moran’s which had most recently seen the erection of an extension to the rear.

·           He explained that the glass structure to the rear that they had originally had in place did not work for them and so they had opted to build the brick conservatory.

·           He felt that Moran’s was a family orientated place which attracted the right clientele. They did not like to advertise it as a pub but more a wine bar and restaurant.

·           He explained that the courtyard was now much smaller than it had been previously. 

Following questioning, the applicant advised Members that:

·           They planned on holding a ‘film  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.