Agenda and minutes

Venue: Virtual WEBEX video conference via the Council’s YouTube Channel: View directions

Contact: Claire Morris, Democratic Services  01242 264130

No. Item




There were none.


Declarations of interest


There were none although it was confirmed that the Senior Licensing Officer and 2 Members of the committee did visit the property.


Election of Chair


The Legal Officer announced that Councillor Paul McCloskey had been elected as the chair of the committee.


No 2 Crescent Terrace, Cheltenham pdf icon PDF 430 KB

Report regarding No 2 Crescent Terrace.

Additional documents:


The process of the Committee was explained by the Chair.


The Senior Licensing Officer presented his report as published, he also explained that he and several Members did a site visit to the premises on the day of the meeting.


The matter then went to the Members for Member questions

-       Is the venue a wine bar or a café – the Senior Licensing Officer explained that it was a table service venue. 


The Objectors were then asked if they had any questions for the Senior Licensing Officer:

-       Attention was bought to the fact that although there were only a few objectors there will be 100 people moving into John Dower House.

-       Also concerned that there will be people wandering around the Crescent.

-       The courtyard that the applicant proposes to use is overlooked by childrens bedrooms and that will cause a problem for them being able to sleep or disturbing their sleep.

-       There was concern raised that property value will be decreased by approximately 35% if the neighbouring property becomes a wine bar.

-       Is there a strategy to keep the heritage houses – as the bus station will go and understood that there will be more residential properties.


The Chair then went to the applicant, he clarified points as follows:

-       Although the property is known as a wine bar it is a restaurant and is a sit down restaurant.

-       Although the application states closing at 2am – Environmental Health suggested 11pm and the applicant refused that and he accepted a compromise may be needed but there wasn’t one in place.  Alcohol is only served from 12 and they would look at closing earlier on some days of the week.

-       They have 8 properties in the UK where they are based in residential areas and have had no issues with neighbours and are proud of that.

-       It is hoped that it will have a reputation as a high end casual restaurant.

-       Alcohol sale is generally in bottles.

-       There is CCTV both inside and outside the property.

-       Floor seating will not change from how it is, there will be signs showing exit and managed by staff. 

-       They will also implement “Challenge 25”

-       They hope that they will be able to operate with neighbours and are willing to compromise with opening hours, however detrimental to business if shuts at 10.


Chair asked Environmental Officer if he had any more points to make.  He confirmed that the problem with the application is that there will be some noise from garden, entering and exiting the building and noise of ventilation for the kitchen.  He views that the hours are the problem as the noise is inevitable – he stated that they have tried to pursue more reasonable hours but that the applicant has refused to compromise on this.



Members then had the opportunity to question the applicant and the objectors:

The following points were raised:

-       To the applicant – will  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Any other items the Chairman determines to be urgent and which requires a decision


There were none and the meeting ended 1845.