Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Municipal Offices. View directions

Contact: Bev Thomas, Democratic Services Team Leader 


No. Item




Apologies were received from Cllrs. Beale, Bassett-Smith, Tooke and Willingham.


Communications by the Retiring Mayor


The Mayor noted that he was not sure where the last year had gone, and invited the newly elected Members to introduce themselves. He wished the Members the very best in their terms of office, and reminded them of both the Code of Conduct and the need to strive for a fairer, kinder and more tolerant world.


Election of Mayor (Chair of Council) 2022-23

To elect the Mayor (Chair of Council) for the Municipal Year 2022-23.


Cllr. Wheeler proposed that Cllr. Holliday be elected Mayor, and Cllr. Seacome seconded this.

One Member spoke in objection to the nomination, suggesting that the Mayor-elect had sent an email some time ago that contained offensive and racist comments, highlighting a cultural problem and a lack of understanding of racism within the Liberal Democrat group. The issue of racism was uncomfortable and embarrassing but needed to be challenged. The culture of the local party was unwelcoming to people of colour, and had driven their only black candidate to resign last year. The electorate had not been made fully aware of Cllr. Holliday’s record and might have voted differently if they had all the facts, and her nomination went against the values of the Liberal Democrats. She had failed to take responsibility for the harm she had caused, and had never admitted that what she did and said was categorically wrong.

They continued by reminding Members that in June 2020 they had committed to total opposition to any kind of racism, both deliberate and unconscious, and it was important to ensure that the council was a welcoming and safe place for everyone regardless of the colour of their skin. It was currently not representative of the community it served, instead representing inequality and privilege. There was a part of the community whose fair and equal share of influence was withheld from them, and this would not change unless the culture of the Liberal Democrat group did. They emphasised that due to this failure of holding people to account, the overlooking of racist views because of how long she had served her community, electing Cllr. Holliday to the position of First Citizen would send a hostile and negative message to ethnic minorities.

The Mayor added that Cllr. Holliday had been rebuked at the time, and had attended training, apologised and served her suspension. One Member added that she had also been subject to a Standards Committee, in line with the council’s constitutional processes, and the outcome of this was public record.



Councillor Sandra Holliday be, and is hereby elected Mayor of the Borough of Cheltenham and Council Chair for the ensuing Municipal Year.

The Head of Paid Service invited the Mayor to sign a Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Council Chair for the ensuing municipal year 2022-23.

Councillor Sandra Holliday took the chair.


Election of Deputy Mayor (Vice-Chair of Council) 2022-23

To elect the Deputy Mayor (Vice-Chair of Council) for the Municipal Year 2022-23.


Cllr. Savage proposed that Cllr. Babbage be elected Deputy Mayor, and Cllr. Hay seconded this.


Councillor Matt Babbage be, and is hereby elected Deputy Mayor of the Borough of Cheltenham and Council Vice-Chair for the ensuing Municipal Year.

The Head of Paid Service invited the Deputy Mayor to sign a Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Council Vice-Chair for the ensuing municipal year 2022-23.


Declarations of interest


There were none.


Minutes of the last meeting pdf icon PDF 203 KB

Minutes of the Extraordinary meeting held on 25 April 2022.



The minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on 25th April were approved and signed as a correct record.


Communications by the Mayor


The new Mayor reminded Members that they were all invited to attend Mayor Making at the Town Hall that evening.


Communications by the Leader of the Council


The Leader welcomed the new councillors and congratulated all those who were elected or re-elected in the recent ward elections. She reported that the Community Jubilee Fund, agreed at February Council to celebrate the Queen’s platinum jubilee year, had attracted 21 bids so far and signed off grant applications to community organisations totalling £16.5k.


To note the membership of Cabinet including the Deputy Leader


The Leader outlined the membership of Cabinet, which included a number of changes to portfolios.

Cllr. Jeffries remained as Deputy Leader with the Finance and Assets portfolio, while Cllr. Dobie remained Cabinet Member Waste, Recycling and Street Services. Cllr. Clucas retained the Safety and Communities portfolio and Cllr. Horwood retained Customer and Regulatory Services.

Cllr. Collins would take on Cyber, Regeneration and Commercial Income, with Cllr. Atherstone moving to the Housing portfolio. Cllr. Lewis would take on the Climate Emergency portfolio, with Cllr. Wilkinson now responsible for Economic Development, Culture, Tourism and Wellbeing.


To Establish and Appoint to the Following Committees including the appointment of Substitute members pdf icon PDF 136 KB

Committee nominations


Appointment of the Chair and Vice Chair of Overview and Scrutiny


Cllr. Harman proposed that Cllr. Savage be elected Chair of Overview and Scrutiny, and Cllr. Babbage seconded this. The Mayor moved to the vote, where this was rejected.

Cllr. Hay proposed that Cllr. Payne be elected Chair of Overview and Scrutiny, and Cllr. Jeffries seconded this. The Mayor moved to the vote, where this was carried.

Cllr. Payne was elected Chair of O&S, with Cllr. Harvey elected Vice-Chair.


Appointment to Gloucestershire Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (and substitute)


Cllr. Bamford was nominated to sit on the Gloucestershire Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee, with Cllr. Horwood as substitute.

The Mayor moved to the vote, where this was carried with one abstention.


Appointment to Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee (and substitute)


Cllr. McCloskey was nominated to sit on the Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee.

The Leader added that they would not be putting forward a substitute at this time. Cllr. Atherstone had been originally proposed but she was a Cabinet Member and this was a scrutiny committee, so it would not be appropriate.

The Mayor moved to the vote, where this was carried unanimously.


Appointment to Gloucestershire Police and Crime Panel (and substitute)


Cllr. Clucas was nominated to sit on the Gloucestershire Police and Crime Panel, with Cllr. Willingham as substitute.

The Mayor moved to the vote, where this was carried with one abstention.


Appointment to Advisory Panels and Working Groups


The Mayor moved to the vote en bloc, which was carried unanimously.



Appointment of Member Champions


The Mayor moved to the vote en bloc, which was carried unanimously.


To approve consequential changes to the constitution


There were none.


To receive petitions


There were none.


Any other item the Mayor determines as urgent and which requires a decision pdf icon PDF 70 KB

The Selection Council will be followed by separate meetings of the Audit, Compliance and Governance Committee, Planning Committee, Licensing committee, Appointments and Remuneration Committee, JNC Disciplinary Committee, JNC Appeals Committee, Treasury Management Panel, the Constitution Working Group and the Asset Management Working Group. Each meeting will have the following standard agenda :









Declarations of Interest



To appoint the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Committee/Panel




 NB In previous years the Mayor has proposed that the Chairs and Vice-Chairs where necessary be elected by Council rather than by individual committees in separate meetings.


The Mayor advised members that in appointing Chairs and Vice chairs of committees and working groups there were a number of options as follows :

Option 1: Chairs and Vice chairs could be elected at the first meeting of the committee.

Option 2: Each committee could be asked today to elect their Chair and Vice-Chair today by effectively having separate meetings of each committee.

Option 3: the Chairs and Vice Chairs can be elected today by Council. The Mayor noted that the other committees would elect their Chair and Vice-Chair at their next meeting.

Members agreed to proceed on the basis of Option 3.

One Member proposed that Cllr. Seacome be elected Chair of the Full Licensing Committee. The Mayor moved to the vote, where this was rejected. Cllr. Willingham was elected Chair of the Full Licensing Committee.

The Chairs and Vice Chairs of the following committees were elected and contained in the table attached to these minutes.

Audit Committee


Planning Committee


Licensing Committee


Appointments and Remuneration Committee


Local Government Act 1972 -Exempt Information

The committee is recommended to approve the following resolution:-


“That in accordance with Section 100A(4) Local Government Act 1972 the public be excluded from the meeting for the remaining agenda items as it is likely that, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, if members of the public are present there will be disclosed to them exempt information as defined in paragraph 3, Part (1) Schedule (12A) Local Government Act 1972, namely:


Paragraph 3; Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular

person (including the authority holding that information)



in accordance with Section 100A(4) Local Government Act 1972 the public be excluded from the meeting for the remaining agenda items as it is likely that, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, if members of the public are present there will be disclosed to them exempt information as defined in paragraph 3, Part (1) Schedule (12A) Local Government Act 1972, namely:


Paragraph 3; Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular

person (including the authority holding that information)



Exempt Minutes

Exempt Minutes of the Extraordinary meeting held on 25 April 2022



The exempt minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on 25th April meeting were approved and signed as a correct record.