Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Municipal Offices. View directions
Contact: Claire Morris 01242 264130
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Prior to the start of the meeting the Chair gave sincere thanks to Councillor Payne (who has had to resign from the committee) for his invaluable contribution to the Committee.
Apologies were received from Cllrs McCloskey and Wheeler and Cllr Clarke attended as a substitute. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were none. |
Declarations of independent site visits Minutes: Site visits were declared by Councillors Barnes and Bamford who visited both sites. Councillor Andrews visited Rodney Road and Councillor Clarke visited Lincoln Avenue.
Other Members attended both sites on planning view. |
Minutes of the last meeting To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 15th June 2023.. Minutes: Were signed and approved as a true record. |
Public Questions Minutes: There were none. |
Planning Applications |
23/00775/FUL 3, Trelawn Court, Rodney Road, Cheltenham, GL50 1JJ Additional documents: Minutes: The planning officer introduced the report as published.
There were no public speakers.
In response to a Member question the planning officer confirmed that SD8 does not apply and that statutory duty is to preserve and conserve.
There were no issues for Member debate.
The matter went to the vote on the officer recommendation to permit
For: Unanimous
23/00860/FUL 14 Lincoln Avenue, Cheltenham, Glos GL51 Additional documents: Minutes: The planning officer introduced the report as published.
There were no public speakers and no Member questions.
The matter went to Member debate where the following point were made: · Could planning officers consider the measurement in centimetres rather than millimetres as it is easier to relate to. · There are concerns about the light test on the side elevation. · There will be overlooking of the garden, which will mean that the neighbours will be extremely overlooked. This would be deemed as a loss of amenity and that is unacceptable. · Although there was concern about the sewage, this is not a planning matter and cannot be looked at by the committee. It cannot be a condition, but it can be an advisory to contact Severn Trent. · Loss of light is not impacted by this development.
The matter then went to the vote on the officer recommendation to permit:
For: 5 Against: 4
For information. Additional documents:
Minutes: Were noted for information. |
Any other items the Chairman determines urgent and requires a decision Minutes: There were none. |