Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Municipal Offices. View directions

Contact: Claire Morris  01242 264130


No. Item




Apologies were received from Cllrs. McCloskey and Nelson.


Declarations of Interest


There were none.


Declarations of independent site visits


Cllr. Oliver had visited the sites at Imperial Gardens (5b) and All Saints Road (5c).


Minutes of the last meeting pdf icon PDF 278 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 18th August 2022.


The minutes of the 18th August meeting were approved and signed as a correct record.


Planning Applications


22/01078/FUL Prince of Wales Stadium, Tommy Taylors Lane, Cheltenham, GL50 4RN pdf icon PDF 171 KB

Additional documents:


The Planning Officer, Victoria Harris, presented the report, which related to two portable steel containers on existing hardstanding at the Prince of Wales Stadium. It was at committee because the council owned the stadium.

In response to a Member question, the Planning Officer confirmed that the applicant, Cheltenham Country Harriers, would be responsible for looking after the containers.

There being no further questions or debate, the Chair moved to the vote:

Vote on officer recommendation to permit subject to conditions:

FOR: 9






22/01200/FUL Imperial Gardens, Promenade, Cheltenham pdf icon PDF 380 KB

Additional documents:


The Planning Officer, Victoria Harris, presented the report, which related to the erection of temporary structures in connection with festivals and special events including an ice rink in Imperial Gardens, and was at committee because the council was the applicant.

Speaking in objection to the application, Mr Peter Grimley made the following points:

  • there were two reasons to refuse the application, the first being air pollution and the second being the harm it would create.
  • the design and access document stated that the operator must not use 100% diesel-powered generators, but must instead use either hybrid or biodiesel sources. In reality, there were no hybrid generators big enough to power an event of this size, so it would have to be biodiesel, probably HVO (hydrotreated vegetable oil)
  • last year’s ice rink consumed 34,540 litres of red diesel over 42 days, emitting 100 tons of CO2 – an unacceptable amount by the council’s own admission.
  • running on HVO for 46 days this year would be equivalent to 40 on red diesel, which surely could not be acceptable if 42 were unacceptable last year.
  • the application was based on erroneous or insufficient data, and failed to recognise the limitations of biofuels and their effect on local air pollution.
  • in 2013, when the committee granted permission for the current 70 day period, it stated that this was the appropriate balance between allowing use of the gardens to continue while protecting the amenity of the site, the locality and the local community
  • more than doubling the permitted event days would destroy that balance and protection and double the harm.
  • this proposal ignored previous planning decisions, policies and legislation.
  • it was not 75 days but rather 145 of significant harm, and there was no clear and convincing justification for this.
  • it ignored the requirement that great weight be given to the asset’s conservation.


Member questions

In response to questions from Members, the Planning Officer confirmed that:

  • the application form stated that the event would close at 10pm each night, though this would be managed through the land use agreement with the council.
  • the applicant hoped a fully electrical power supply would be available next year, but could not guarantee that this would be the last year using generators.
  • the ‘ancillary Christmas activities’ described in the report were still quite vague at this point, though she had asked the applicant to provide more detail.
  • the agreement of the Environmental Health Officer was required for the generators to be used, and if he did not approve then the condition requiring his consent could not be discharged until an agreement was reached.
  • the application was for the principle of the land, and only limited information could be provided as they did not know the user at this point.


Member debate

In debate, Members made the following points:

  • it was unfortunate that the committee did not have any assurances about the use of mains electricity, and a proper mains supply seemed to be some way off.
  • the difference  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5b


22/01257/FUL 90 All Saints Road, Cheltenham, GL52 2HQ pdf icon PDF 277 KB

Additional documents:


The Planning Officer, Lucy White, presented the report, which related to the insertion of a first floor gable window and the installation of three roof lights to the front and rear roof slopes of 90 All Saints Road, and was at committee because the applicant was a borough councillor.

There being no Member debate or questions, the Chair moved to the vote.

Vote on officer recommendation to permit

FOR: 8






Appeal Update pdf icon PDF 218 KB

To be noted for information.

Additional documents:


The appeal update was noted.


Any other items the Chairman determines urgent and requires a decision


There were none.

The Chair added his thanks to Nick Jonathan (One Legal) for his hard work during his time as the committee’s Legal Officer, and wished him every success in his next venture. Cllr. Barnes added his thanks to Nick for his advice and generosity during his time as the previous Chair. Michael Ronan was introduced to the committee as his interim replacement.